You're welcome to thinking again...i know,...oh, oh, huh...but if you haven't rowed much, you could go rent or borrow a big ole clunky boat somewhere and take it to a lake. Row around for a good while and at a vigorous pace. If that doesn't change your mind, go back to the dock, tye the stern to the dock. 10/12 ft. or so of line will do.

Now you could try 'rowing sprints' and this might simulate some of the energy it would taketo navigate some stretches of river you might encounter. Row as hard as you can for about half a dozen pulls, then easier pulls, then as hard as you can for another half dozen pulls and see how you feel. I don't know your age or your physical condition, but please don't over do it...geez, maybe i shouldn't even be suggesting this, but you'll be careful i'm sure...just trying to give you an idea of how hard it is to row a drift times.

One more random thought while writing might try youtube...i just typed in 'drift boat fly fishing' and became entranced watching the pros and amateurs going through all kinds of rapids and not so rapid rivers.

