I use medallion sheeting for hopper wings and other flat wing style flies, ie. golden stone, salmon fly, spent winged ants. For upright wings I prefer to use feathers or hair, I like the more transparent 'soft edge' profile of the natural materials. The synthetics materials when used for upright wings have a hard edge in profile that I find less attractive. (personal bias) Sometimes I cut it into strips and use it for shellbacks, wingcases or scud backs.

As far as substitutes, I found some plastic twine (similar to raffia or swiss straw) at the dollar store that looks whole lot like the medallion sheeting when it is unrolled and flattened out. It comes in a few bright colors, but the transparent/white material is easily dyed or colored with markers.

The medallion sheeting already comes in lots of nice buggy colors, when you consider how many wings can be tied from a single package the cost isn't too bad. I also like the 'web wing' product and might phase out my use of medallion sheeting....