Before you get started, I think you must know ... it's far more of an addiction than a hobby. So, be afraid ... be very afraid!!

When I was first contemplating building ONE rod, I anguished long and hard as to whether or not I should get a dryer, or even a stand to use in wrapping. That was about 75 rods ago!! You build one, and it's all over with but the shouting!!

Start fairly basic, and remember, your first rod is just that ... your FIRST rod. Goofy wraps, uneven epoxy finish, what ever. It's YOURS. Don't be tempted to change anything on it! Fish it till the cows come home! Enjoy everyone of its' little imperfections totally. Make adjustments on the NEXT one ... and the one after that ... and the one after that.

It's a fun way to get something totally unique. I for one, feel you can do it! We're here to help in any way we can!!