I'm a doctor, so maybe I can help.

First off, Clinical Depression is an actual physical malady, just like catching a cold, or any other condition. So there should be no stigma, or embarassment attached to it. It can effect anybody, at anytime. Noone is immune. And, the good news is that it is very treatable, with an extremely high success rate, compared to other similar conditons. Most people make a full recovery.

Of course, the first thing you should do is see your Primary Care Provider about it. They have the proper tools and training to correctly diagnose the condition, isolate the causes and formulate an effective and safe treatment program. Don't let it go too long before you do this. Part of the success of treatment is dependent on how early you can arrest the progress. Left untreated, it can have very grave consequences. And most insurance policies cover treatment for Depression, so there not many excuses not to have it taken care of. I am sure your loved ones would agree. And Self-treatment is not only a bad idea, but it can even make the problems worse. Please see your physician as soon as practicable.

If you are wondering if Depression is becomming a problem, then it already has. Take care of it. If you had a runny nose, or a high fever, you'd go to the doctor in a heartbeat. This is no different.

And, also, be aware that there is a difference between Depression, and just being depressed. Depression is a chronic disease, and effects your life profoudly. Being depressed is a normal, short-lived emotion that usually passes (relatively) quickly and has no long-term effects. But only a doctor can tell them apart. If you've been depressed for more than a week or so, that is a major Red Flag. See your doctor.

Even I get depressed, occasionally. That's why I go fishing........