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Thread: Anyone deal with depression?

  1. #21


    Depression sucks, I suffer fro it and so does my wife. The best advice I have for you (this works for my wife) Sun helps release serotonin into the brain. I think its serotonin, but the point is, sun makes you happy. Dr Dave prescribes fishing at least once a week. If yiu suffer from depression you wont feel like doing it, but do it anyways

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Big Bad Wulff View Post
    ...Not good
    BBW -

    With all due respect, I would like to disagree with that observation.

    It IS GOOD that you have started down the path that will bring you to the end of the turmoil you are in and to the kind of balance you seek in your life.

    It may not be easy, but it is not hopeless and it will end. Any time you want to unload or want some support, please feel free to send me a PM. Been there, done that can count for something. And if it addiction rather than depression, and I doubt that it is from what you have said, I have some experience in that area, also.

    The fish are always right.

  3. #23
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    My standard therapy is to go flyfishing somewhere quiet. And I have not done it enough this year, yelled at a friend of mine yesterday. Decided to take tomorrow off and go fishing, regardless of how much is on my to-do list.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by DG View Post
    My standard therapy is to go flyfishing somewhere quiet. And I have not done it enough this year, yelled at a friend of mine yesterday. Decided to take tomorrow off and go fishing, regardless of how much is on my to-do list.
    I like your way of thinkings, but not sure how much my wife appreciates it lol

  5. #25


    BBW, first, you've made the first step, you recognize it.
    Second you have sought professional help of your Doctor.
    I am disappointed your Doctor put you off till next week, that is not being pro-active at all on their part.
    In the mean time, keep digging, keep talking, and keep thinking.
    Get a tablet and take notes on what you think might be causing the different feelings and swings. Then, when you feel confident in a professional, you have it to share. Date the things you write down on your tablet (a small pocketable tablet), and if there are any surrounding things that might have been a trigger.
    You can get back to where you want to be, but it takes work on your part.
    There is medicines that can help, but the best medicine is you working to cure yourself. You'll understand that later on.
    Maybe a good consular can help, and avoid the drugs. But finding one you want to open up to can be hard. Like anything, (Doctors, Lawyers) there are a lot of less than desirable consulars around.
    But you are already on your way, you don't like where you are going and want to change it. Bravo!
    Get yourself a buddy book and try writing things down.
    Been there, done that. And I understand.
    Sonny Edmonds

    "If I don't teach them, how will those Grand Kids learn to fish?"
    Lesson 1: What catches fish Vs: What catches fisherman's money.

  6. #26
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    First thing is to get a fasting blood glucose test... You are surely insulin resistant or diabetic. You can get it at any doc-in-the-box cheaply and yours will show a level significantly over 100...

    Get it checked ASAP, diabetes is not something to play around with... Diet early on can and will control it... Later and it may damage all sorts of stuff.

    Other signs:
    Arms seem shorter real fast lately?
    Eyes itch and burn often?
    Urinating often?
    Always thirsty?
    Caffeine bothering you more lately?

  7. #27
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    Don't think it's diabetes. Absolutely no history of it in my family.......... anywhere.
    -I can hold my pee all day long
    -No weight changes
    -no excessive thirst. Actually I'm a 'camel'. I can go without water longer than most anyone I know.
    -no tingling in extremities
    -absolutely no typical diabetic symptoms

    Pretty sure it's depression. I've had to deal with more stuff in the past 2 years than I care to list. That and the talk of this government-run Health Care (I'm a Doctor ) is enough to drive me nuts. I'm sure there will be a syndrome attached to this with respects to Drs somewhere along the way here. This may be the first documented case . I'm quite serious about this. I know many Drs that are very upset about this stuff.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  8. #28


    Perhaps someone can recommend a good professional to listen and to emphasize. I think a lot of depression
    is caused by deep feelings of isolation, as well as loss.

    I'm sorry to hear that you're in pain. As you see, many of us have been there. Keep us informed
    how you're feeling. We care.

    Last edited by randyflycaster; 08-28-2009 at 02:04 PM. Reason: add info

  9. #29
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    Not much to add except that if you're well enough to act (reaching out/calling your doc) you're on your way to getting better. So many people, including myself recently, suffer from more than casual depression. I think it's so hard to deal with because the solution is to do something while in the grips of feeling unable to do anything. It's good you're getting help!
    Calling flyfishing a hobby is like calling brain surgery a job.
    Paul Schullery

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Bad Wulff View Post
    Don't think it's diabetes. Absolutely no history of it in my family.......... anywhere.
    -I can hold my pee all day long
    -No weight changes
    -no excessive thirst. Actually I'm a 'camel'. I can go without water longer than most anyone I know.
    -no tingling in extremities
    -absolutely no typical diabetic symptoms

    Pretty sure it's depression. I've had to deal with more stuff in the past 2 years than I care to list. That and the talk of this government-run Health Care (I'm a Doctor ) is enough to drive me nuts. I'm sure there will be a syndrome attached to this with respects to Drs somewhere along the way here. This may be the first documented case . I'm quite serious about this. I know many Drs that are very upset about this stuff.

    Well Doc, I guess you must know much diabetes is asymptomatic... I thought you listed weight swings in your symptoms, but irritability is there... And you should be able to draw your own blood and get your own results... The camel comments actually are an indicator of potentials in other directions... But no need to take the thread off-track. Family history is a non-starter for an excuse not to get a $25 blood test...

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