I was using a chartruse Gurgler basically a #4 stinger hook with a kip tail, rubber legs and a foam body...pretty much what I use for Smallies in the summer...they also attract Rock Bass, Large Mouth and 'Gills...it is great being able to target what is hitting throughout the day and use the same fly to go from 18-19" Sammlies down to 2-3 in 'Gills and Rock Bass and everything in between.


This small stream really reminded me of some of the skinny water we used to fish for in Connecticut for smallish trout....I used spin gear back then but the principle was exaclty the same...target these small pockets usually located in the tailing of a riffle.

I can't even explain how smashing the strikes were in this situation, that low clear water really gets them going when they see food and this little river holds some pretty good sized ones as well as the water levels are generally somewhat higher than right now.

I'm sure you could tie up a gurgler or two and try a Smallie stream a county or two over from where your at...you know so no one sees you...BUT they will seem the gleam in your eye as you start to look at those big, gaudy Bass Bugs at the local shop and be careful when you try to slip a spool or two of 1X tippett in with your next order!