White Biot Dry - I don't know its actual name.

Hook - Any dry, any size to the limit of your biot. This was a #16
Thread - 8/0 Grey Uni
Tail - 2 Paintbrush Fibers, Split
Body - White (or other color) Biot -- This was Goose, use turkey for longer hooks.
Post - Fun Foam cut to square cross section strip.
Thorax - Grey dubbing - I used superfine, I think??
Hackle - Grizzley Dry Saddle, parachute.

Notes - Cut post after hackle is tied in. Superglue (sparingly) base of hackle for more durability if desired..I didn't do this, but should have. Or leave post long, if you want more visability.

Hope you enjoyed them. --- Maodiver