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Thread: Something wierd......................

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Well we used to do Historical Re-enacting French and Indian war era(7year war to those across the pond)
    can't sleep on the ground anymore so gave that up.
    Used to be real heavy into Photography( yeah I know I'm heavy into everything5'10" 300lbs) ended up as a Custom Darkroom manager... You really do ruin a hobby by making it your job. Love Astronomy but hauling my butt out of bed @0400 for my job make's it real difficult to stay up past 2100 and you kinda need dark unless you do Solar observing.
    Flytying is not a Hobby it is Therapy to me(OK its an Addiction) I would have to say my current other Hobby is Taking Credit for Helping do the Michigan Fish-In, We All know it's Really Jean who does the Work on this

  2. #22

    Thumbs up You said it Lew

    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    Great stuff folks. Thanks for your comments. However, I know the reality of my abilty as an antler carver, and it's that of a beginner. My photo's are in the same category. I've never gotten really good at much of anything in my life, except maybe singing, and that's OK. I haven't been compelled to expend the effort. That said, I'd also like to say that it's OK if your interests and hobbies fit that category as well. We'd still like to see them, or hear about them. It makes you more real. I know that breadmaking can be an art, as can just about anything else that's pursued beyond the "normal" effort. I've gotten hooked on western novels, and I've been reading about 2-3 a week. I know I should be reading something more enlightening, but it's just something I enjoy. What do you enjoy? It doesn't have to knock our socks off.
    This thread was a really great Idea...It is good to see the different sides of people.
    As to the quality of craftsmanship with your carvings?! I think they look great! But then it really doesn't matter what mine or anyone else's opinions are anyway...It is a hobby,that you do for yourself, and only your opinion matters.If you didn't do it for yourself, it wouldn't be a hobby would it?

    I'm a rank amateur at flyfishing, have been one for 6 years now...gotten better at some things, worse at others, wouldn't change a thing...as long as no one was watching

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Florence, KY


    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    Great stuff folks. Thanks for your comments. However, I know the reality of my abilty as an antler carver, and it's that of a beginner. My photo's are in the same category. I've never gotten really good at much of anything in my life, except maybe singing, and that's OK. I haven't been compelled to expend the effort. That said, I'd also like to say that it's OK if your interests and hobbies fit that category as well. We'd still like to see them, or hear about them. It makes you more real. I know that breadmaking can be an art, as can just about anything else that's pursued beyond the "normal" effort. I've gotten hooked on western novels, and I've been reading about 2-3 a week. I know I should be reading something more enlightening, but it's just something I enjoy. What do you enjoy? It doesn't have to knock our socks off.
    I'm no art critic but your antler carvings look pretty darn good to me. I wouldn't even know where to start or how to make it look like a fish when I was done.

    I can take a block of wood and turn it into a rifle stock and I can make music with a guitar, but there's no way I could carve out a fish and then paint it and have it look like a fish. I tried with wood once and it was a total train wreck.

    I've tried bo build model cars before from those plastic kits and they all ended up looking like a monkey got into a fight with a tube of glue and spilled it over some plastic.

    What I'm trying to say is that everybody has things they're good at and things they enjoy doing.

    I think it's a lot of fun seeing what else you all do for fun besides fish.


  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Blog Entries


    Lew, those pins you carved are great!!!! Very interesting thread. I paint when I have the chance -- some wildlife scenes (birds mostly, usually waterfowl), some Native Canadian (Woodland style) themes, and a few of past/present Labs (usually head studies with ducks in mouths). Nothing great but kills the time when not actually fishing, tying flies, or reading about fishing. Or on the Internet. Or writing -- learned a long time ago that being an artist is a very hard way to make a living ("starving artist" is not just a catch phrase) -- now I am trying to figure out how to make my living out of fly fishing -- including writing about it. Oh well, guess I won't starve doing that -- can always eat the odd fish now and then (what is it they say, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.").
    "No matter how complicated life can get -- remember life is sometimes like fly fishing; after turning over every rock in the river trying to "match the hatch", you have probably spooked every fish for miles -- so don't let the "little things" BUG you -- just enjoy whatever you find." Mike Ormsby

  5. #25


    Lew's carved fish prompted me to show my carvings too.

    I carve faces in sticks.

    Nice work, Lew. I haven't tried antler yet, maybe someday.


  6. #26

    Thumbs up Wow

    Don't really have anything to contribute in the way of art or craft, just wanted to say WOW. There's a lot of really neat stuff on this thread. Thanks for getting it started, Lew.
    The fish are always right.

  7. #27

    Talking Alah Jeff Dunham......

    Quote Originally Posted by TwoWeight View Post
    Lew's carved fish prompted me to show my carvings too.

    I carve faces in sticks.
    Nice work, Lew. I haven't tried antler yet, maybe someday.

    Face...on a Steeeeeek

    Nice Carvings Two Weight
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #28
    nighthawk Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnScott View Post
    Don't really have anything to contribute in the way of art or craft, just wanted to say WOW. There's a lot of really neat stuff on this thread. Thanks for getting it started, Lew.
    Oh yes, my friend, you most certainly do! We have seen the wonderful pictures of scenes both under and above the water that you post of your journeys. Your are pretty darned good at using them to illustrate your well written words too. Also those flies of yours. They look great and catch fish quite well!

  9. #29
    nighthawk Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by TwoWeight View Post
    Lew's carved fish prompted me to show my carvings too.

    I carve faces in sticks.

    Nice work, Lew. I haven't tried antler yet, maybe someday.


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Idaho Falls, Idaho


    NOW you're warming up folks!! As has been stated, we all have different things that we enjoy doing, and it's that difference that make the world an enjoyable place. I really love to see different ideas that people have. They can inspire us to pursue our own, or maybe improve on an idea. I don't know who was first inspired to tie a bit of feather to a hook to make a bug, but look where it has lead! I'd venture to guess that those who are very good at what they do didn't start out that way, but went through a process of success and failure, but with resolve that the next time would be better. I don't know anyone in any endeavor who starts out with an idea to make it worse, or mediocre. It's human nature to look upward, and not sideways or downward in our pursuits. I've come to learn in my (mere) 66 years of life, that its the willingness to try new avenues of endeavor that can enrich our lives, and the lives of others. This website has been (and is) great for encouraging us to become better flyfishermen/women and better people as well. Now hop in, all you lurkers. Show us what's inside you trying to get out. We won't criticize you, and you may just open up a new world for somebody. JC! We know that your Lady likes flowers and hummingbirds, and painted villages and writing, and I'm sure she's shared other things with us that I can't recall. So! What's your story! Do you dig in the dirt? Macrame'? Yodel? Give it up, oh Grand PooBah! Keep 'em coming troops. Pictures are nice, but not necessary.
    They're just fish, right? Right?

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