Quote Originally Posted by CaseyP View Post

now--how do you all keep track of what line it is you have? the cat has scared away the mouse who used to do all the small writing around here, otherwise i'd mark the line itself...
Hi Casey - Here's a shameless plug for a friend of mine:


His name is Jerry Brumfield (aka Dotman on FAOL), and he's also a sponsor here. Take a look at his reel dots and case dots. He sells both with a place to write the size and type of line on them with a pointed marker pen. They are, like all the products he sells, absolutely top quality.

Jerry just might be the most honest person I've ever met, so have no fear dealing with him. With any luck, he may just show up at the PA Fish-In as well.

I have no vested interest in his business, but I'm just extremely proud to have Jerry as a friend!