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Thread: New to fly tying

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  1. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Reading, PA


    Like Ray pointed out there’s nothing like having someone show you the ropes. However, I know that’s not always an option so here are a few tips from someone who just started tying two years ago.

    I’m too impatient so I never took formal lessons. I asked the local shop manager to show me a single pattern that I used a lot and I started from there. I used online resources and the book referenced below to get me started. Plus I’ll go back to the shop from time to time and they’ll show me another pattern I’m interested in. That said, I still recommend having someone get you started.

    Here’s a link that should help you get started. It explains the basic tools and techniques for getting started. If you start as I suggest below you can buy only the tools necessary to tie your fist one or two patterns then add-on from there. Most kits seem to have only fair equipment so I elected to buy items individually as I needed them. Plus you can look for sales or used items.

    Here’s a book that I found to be a great help. It’s unique structure allows you to have the overall tying instructions for a fly present while looking up specific techniques necessary to complete the fly. Even if you have someone showing you the basics this book is a great reference. Other than this book I use other tyers and online resources as a reference. For instance go to YouTube and enter something like “tying a Wooly Bugger”. There are plenty of other online sources for patterns and instructions.

    As someone who’s always looking to control expenses I would suggest you start by buying materials for one or two flies that you use and lose the most. Then slowly build up from those materials one pattern at a time. You’ll find certain common materials for many of your patterns. I can’t see spending money on certain expensive materials that I’ll rarely use so I just buy those flies or find a cheaper material as a substitute. I haven’t reached the “I only fish what I’ve tied” stage yet.

    Tying is relaxing and increases your enjoyment of fishing. Good luck!
    Last edited by gzacckey; 11-14-2008 at 03:26 PM.

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