Fished some water that usually holds some nice fish. Nothing. Wondering again if the fly was too small for the water ??

Moved on down a bit further. There is a slot along here which occasionally gives up a fish or two.

Found a willing rainbow. First fish in the U.S. taken on the Hammlim Minnow !! History in the making !!

Caught a smallish brown trout just after the bow. About that time, the weather got serious. Decided I had done what I set out to do and headed for the truck. But when I got into the wooded area along the trail, and got a bit of shelter, the wind was less cruel. Decided to check out one of the braided channels near the trail.

The fish in these braided channels are generally smaller than those in the mainstem. Today was true to form. The Minnow took a small rainbow and five small browns plus enticed a bunch of hits in around twenty minutes in that one little patch of water. Lots of fun.

This little brown was the last fish of the day. His red spots were about as bright as I have seen on a brown around here. ( That white streak just off the tip of the fly is a snowflake. )

The mainstem, I think, would have fished better with a larger and darker streamer, like the pine squirrel streamer that I typically use on that water. But the braided channel was made for the Hammlim Minnow in the size that Jeff sent me.

The good news is, even though we might get as much as 6" of snow over the next few days, there are some more braided channels up there that I haven't fished that might provide some fast action on the other smaller streamer style flies left in the box.
