Quote Originally Posted by JohnScott View Post
Xd -

Not really. I was sure your comments were well intentioned.

Carson City. Used to visit there frequently when my son lived there ( from '91 to '97 ). Used to be a really neat little city, but I guess it has grown some in the last ten plus years ?? Had a great pizza place right downtown on the main drag, and a fabulous Mexican restaurant on the east side of US395 on what used to be the far south end of town.

Trust you had good fishing along with the nice weather when you were up in this neck of the woods ?? I had considered going back up to Big Elk last week but decided to save that for a special trip ( probably tomorrow ) and went to Aldous Lake instead. After the first visit there, it was hard not to go back to give it another go.

the town has grown indeed; it's still pretty decent and some good things have come along with the sprawl. the pizza place i think you are referring to was Nick's which is sadly no longer there. the mexican place still is.

the weather was cosmic last week and as far as i'm concerned, so was the fishing. it was a great week and it felt good to be back in what i still think of as home. i even brought back a 50lb box of 70s and some local microbrew to help with the transition back.

here's a little about john gierach; there's more on the web, but not a lot and he doesn't have a website. he writes well.
