Chris - Guess you can tell I really enjoyed spending time with you at the Fish-In, and everything I wrote, I sincerely believe - just callin' it like I saw it.

My involvement with the Salmon River Flea began a few years ago, when a fishing buddy and co-worker (that doesn't tie) kept asking me to tie up this "hot new fly" that everyone was recommending to him for up in Pulaski. I finally found a picture of one and tied him up a few dozen for his upcoming trip up there. He did very well with the fly, and I've had success with it as well. I modified my version with a little more flash, and I'll tie them in the color that worked best up there - it isn't the color in the pic I sent you. It kicks butt in slightly off color water!

Still hoping to arrange a little PA Fish-In "Fall Reunion Steel Trip" if I can manage to sneak away from work for it. Things are a little hectic right now, to say the least. I'll keep you updated when I know more about it.......Ed