Slate -

I've had two occasions in the past couple years to have Simms take a look at two different pairs of waders.

The first time, it was just to repair some leaks that developed from using them in very rough conditions. The work was done thoroughly and promptly at a minimal charge, which I expected since this was not warranty work.

The second time did involve a small leak at a seam. Again, the work was done properly and quickly, and this time with no charge, even though they also checked for other leaks and cleaned the waders thoroughly.

The first pair is still serviceable after more than something over 300 days on the water. I use them for warmer weather conditions, since they do tend to have a "cooling" effect, but do keep me mostly dry. That is just fine with me.

The second pair has about 150 days on them and are completely leak free and in very good shape overall. I tend to save them for winter since I really do like to be completely dry when it's around freezing, or below.

The question I have is - how well does the product serve you before you have to ask for customer service ?? To my way of thinking, prompt customer service is fine, but if you need it because the product just doesn't stand up to being used, what is it really worth. A great product more than makes up for having to wait a few extra days for service, if and when it is needed.
