There's a "fair" book I've got called "Tying Flies with CDC" by Leon Links. It's heavy on the European development and use of CDC in tying flies. That's not a criticism, just an observation. These folks were the innovators and first users of CDC (at least according to the book). Anyway, the books a decent read and had some pretty good information on the feather types, tying techniques, etc. Has some great photography but it's a little thin on some details and can be incomplete on tying instructions for some of the examples. The upside is, it can be had fairly inexpensively.

As far as treatments I've found nothing better than Frogs Fanny or the less expensive version, Fumed Silica (available by the quart for the same price as the little Frog Fanny Bottle!). Although, I am intrigued by Betty's reference to CDC Oil. Might have to try that out.

John Scott turned me on to a Caddis pattern that I like (thanks John) and in size 16's it seems to work best with three feathers. I think CDC ties some pretty cool flies and I intend to try some experimentation with nymphs and more emerger patterns from the above referenced book.

I've found the tread pretty interesting, good job folks!