
Quote Originally Posted by crappiecrazy View Post
What does this mean?


Short-line, high-stick nymphing is another fine way to present a sunk fly to rock bass. This technique also brings the fly-fisher closer to the quarry, which adds to the fun. A large Hare?s Ear, Woolly Worm, or Zug Bug pattern dropped with a minimum of fly line onto the slicks and sloughs around boulders can produce constant takes and large catches along a rock bass stream

Hi. To clarify . . .

Stand in the crick with just your leader and maybe a foot or three of flyline hanging from the rod tip. Use light flip or roll casts into a current flowing toward rocks that are sticking halfway out of the water (rock bass love hanging out around these). As soon as the fly lands on the water, raise your rod arm over your head so that little or no fly line -- just leader -- is on the water. This brings you right up on the fish, almost like cane poling, except you are drifting a nymph.

Hope this helps . . .
