Quote Originally Posted by JohnScott View Post
Rick -

Fluorocarbon is an inherently weaker material.

It was my understanding that fluro is a stronger material than mono.

The lower rating of the vanish is because it is a spool filler and not a tippet or leader spool.

Filler spools are rated lower because they have some imperfections that effect the strength. Line manufacturers rate line on and average and not on "true" breaking strength.

Filler spools equate to a cheaper cost but more imperfections and less breaking strength in certain sections. Tippet or leader material is more expensive because it has higher tolerences and a greater average breaking strength per diameter. If random sections of each are tested side by side, the tippet leader material would win most of the time, but not all the time. This of cource would be the same manufacturer with the same line in the same diameter. (i.e. Maxima ultra green in a filler spool and a tippet spool)

If it is rated a "true" breaking stregnth it will be stated as "Class" and not "Test" and probably also say it is IGFA rated or tested.

Try a bunch of different mono and fluros and use what you like. I started using Grand Max, but actually have not seen an greater fish catching with it, so I have since switched back to orvis super strong. It is just what I have confidence in and it is cheap and ease to get. I do use maxima is certain situations and amnesia as HI vis butt sections.