I've got an Olympus Stylus 850SW - waterproof - on a furled lanyard hanging from my neck and resting either in a shirt pocket or the smaller compartment of my chestpack. It is set to the mode that I want to use if I catch a fish.

As soon as I get a fish on that I think I might want to photograph, I pull the camera out and hit the "on" button. The camera just dangles until I'm ready to take the picture. I probably photograph less than 10% of the fish I catch, but I am always ready just in case there is something about that particular fish that catches my eye.

I used to put a lot of fish on grass, sand, gravel, rocks, whatever was close at hand, in the "classic" fish and rod picture that Dennis mentioned. I didn't like doing that and stopped as soon as I figured out how to use the camera to take pictures quickly once the fish was in hand. I guess given a monster trout, I would do the fish and rod thing, but mostly I am just taking photos to show fish typical of the places I fish.

The waterproof feature is really nice - if a bit pricey. Takes all the worry out of in-stream photos, whether of fish, wildlife, scenery, etc. I can recommend the Olympus 850SW with no reservations AT ALL.