If all tippet materials were exactly the same, chemically, then they should have the same breaking strength for a given diameter. But each manufacturer has a slightly different formula. Some are harder, some softer, some stiff, some limp, some dyed, others clear, and so on. Then there is mono versus fluorocarbon. Then there is actual diameter versus advertised diameter. Then there is the knot you tie in it...

Monofilament fishing line is, typically, of much lower breaking strength for a given diameter than fly fishing tippet. 6# standard mono is a LOT larger diameter than, say, the 4x tippet I normally use that says 6# on it.

When I flyfish, I worry more about diameter than about breaking strength. I sort of figure that I can reasonably land a fish twice as heavy as the breaking strength of the tippet, and larger than that if I take care. I seldom fish for 24# fish, so I don't use 1x tippet very often. 3x is about as heavy as I ever go when trout fishing. And I prefer limp tippet over stiff.