I agree gas prices are a concern, especially when it comes to commuting and businesses that have to consume large amounts of fuel.

With that said, I think it's easy to take this too far and become Moaning America. Realistically, how much MORE does that fishing trip cost you now vs. this time last year? $5? $10?

I mean it has to be taken in proportion. I don't hear about many guys selling thier collections of $400+++ rods so is gas being higher this year vs last really going to keep many people from fishing? We'll use it as an excuse for b!tching, that'd be for sure, but I'm doubting it will stop many people.

Sure, on my longest fishing trips it's costing me $70 for gas instead of $50 that it was last year. But in real terms that means my overall cost of fishing goes up about $100 this year vs last for my longer trips.

I mean sure, it's real money all right, but it isn't going to drive me to stop fishing. A guy's gotta have some fun , and if push comes to shove I'd think many of us could just NOT buy that new rod we don't need anyway rather than have to quit fishing becuase of the cost of gas.
