Thanks for sharing the nice photos. I have to comment on looking down your nose at the "bait chuckers". Many of us started fishing with live bait in our lives. This year's bait chucker might be next year's fly fisherman. Instead of the "us vs them" mentality remember that we are all fisherman and any fisherman is closer to our lifestyle than any of the animal rights people that don't want us to fish at all. It's better, in my humble opinion, to educate other fisherman in the ways of catch and release by example and gentle suggestion than to bash other sportman. Your mileage may vary. If you don't agree with me, that's cool, it's America and we don't all have to think alike, I just thought that I might offer an alternative look at the "bait chucker's" of this world.

By the way, I fish exclusivley with a fly rod these days.
