Boy, GnuBee, do your highly technical terms, ever rekindle old and fond memories!! Just the thought of my "cigarette lighter back pressure gauge" going catawhumpus, beore it was up to the right amount, was a real worry!

Being many miles, out in the boonies and suddenly finding out that your windshield wiper reversing oil was a quart or more low, wasn't any fun either. Of course, you COULD maybe limp the car home, if your exhaust overbearings were well lubed, but who ever watched those, that closely, really?

Usually, you watched your radiator sliders and manifold tri-gears a lot closer, than the overbearings!

("The ballbearing, down the spark plug hole" was as nasty a thing to do, as to remove someone's air cleaner, then build a miniature sand castle on the carbs choke plate.)