The "movie" is a great story and thats pretty much it. As far as hooking people on flyfishing? All you have to do is watch the movie and at sometime in your life, spend some time in western montana. Having lived in the Bitterroot valley for 8 years fishing the bitterroot, big hole, beaverhead, rock creek, clark fork and the blackfoot. My challenge to you is to go there and fish those rivers and tell me that your not in heaven!!! When I lived in Hamilton, I met a man named John Foust, he's close to 70 years old. He was one of the technical flyfishing advisors for the movie. The fish that jumps in the movie is a mechanical fish that he made. It now hangs in his house! A great man to talk to with many great stories. If you look at the movie credits at the end of the movie you"ll see his name. Still guides to this day on the Bitterroot river. Its not the movie that hooks you, its the area that your in. It takes you back in time... I have some great flyfishing stories from many of those rivers.. CLASSIC FLYFISHING. You cant get that out of a book or a movie!