To serve your needs (which seem to be all-around needs) canoe.
Guy here helped me with casting and drift problems. As for drift in wind - on stillwater (might work on a stream too ) use a drogue to slow you down. I also found a double anchor works well (with 2 people in the canoe - troublesome alone).
As for casting, sit on your knees (with pads) and put something under your butt so you don't burn out your ankles. I use a 3 gallon water bucket. Makes for a nice extra PFD ... should I need it.
I picked up a Coleman 17ft canoe (my treat for just quitting smoking yrs back). Wide hull, higher freeboards. The RAMXX material holds well to the beatings I give it. Yeah - woulda loved an aluminum .... But the Coleman comes in at 70 lbs - I'm able to haul that when I need to ........ for now.
It's steady enough for kids - nervous ones too who shake & jostle the craft. With 2 adults and 2 kids - it takes a good list to roll it (then they want to keep dumping it ...).
Works, versatile ... that's my plug. ... I also have a V-Tube - solitary and comfortable like all can be. Great when you need time alone.