I know what it's like being a first time swap host, I was there last year. Be careful these things are addictive, just make sure you don't take on more than you can effectivly organize with your general life, work, ect. And the unexpected and you are going to have alot of fun.

That said, I have been lurking, watching to see how fast your swap fills, before commiting, as I am running one myself, have joined two and work seems pretty busy lately. So what I did was get my other swaps almost tied and came up with a pattern for your swap. My flies are tied and should be mailed this weekend in addition to the other swaps I have joined.

So Sign me up with a wet fly I am calling

Black Dog and Grizzly.

Hook size 14 or 16 wet fly of your choice
Thread Black 6/0
dubbing: black dog under fur from my lab/shep mix.
Wing grizzly saddle hacklefibers

It's nothing too fancy but it should catch trout, espcially during a small black caddis hatch I have seen on some of the rivers here and elsewhere.
