
The thing that keeps me coming back actually isn't the fishing. It's being out there on the river.

I'll often spend the whole day on the bank while the family fishes. I won't even string up a rod.

It's coffee with the wardens while we watch junior going after a lunker on an upstream dry.

It's pointing some newcomers to a nice lie where a dozen salmon are lazing in the current.

It's that 20 ounce T-Bone on an open grill over a birch wood fire just after sunset.

It's sitting by the river listening for rises.

If you mean, what keeps me FISHING, well, ... my favourite part is laying out an upstream dry on a long leader (big bushy Bomber or Brown Bird). Letting it drift down gently in a medium flow. ... Splashy take, lift the rod slightly, wait, wait, wait ... Set the hook. In that last second, the fly will either come flying back towards me (missed), or, Shloop, the line lifts out of the water and the weight of the fish settles into the rod.

Hanging on like this for 45 minutes gets a bit tedious

my 0.02$

Christopher Chin
Jonquiere Quebec

[This message has been edited by fcch (edited 18 February 2005).]

[This message has been edited by fcch (edited 18 February 2005).]