I'm glad i could entertain you with these pictures.

Some really do think there are no fish in British Columbia. Just because you can't catch them dosen't mean they aren't there.

A fisherman exited the lake with spinning gear and told me they weren't biting. I got to the water's edge and saw fish at the surface. Told my wife I would be right back. Walked a quarter mile to the car to get my stuff. Third cast and I had a fish on. Then it was, see one catch one. I was told that these fish of 8-10 inches may be 4-5 years old as they have a very short season to feed.

The reason I don't have a picture of the Chinook is because my guide had my camera and was off scouting other areas to fish. My guide's name is Pat Beahen who works through Whistler Flyfishing. He was an excellent exuberent guide who wouldn't quit. He was ready to try more sites when I had to call it quits. Taught me alot about freestone streams and fishing techniques. Good humour, good stories, traded flies, caught fish. The catching turns out to be a minor reward of the the trip.

Later, I tried my luck on some freestone creeks on Vancouver Island. What I learned from Pat was put to use and was always successful.

The ocean fishing in these waters are superb for salmon and halibut. Next time I go to BC I will have to take out a charter boat.
