A wet noodle of a rod with no backbone will throw as far as a fine, fast action rod and a rod rolled sloppily with inconsistant resin impregnation will feel as good as a fine rod when fighting fish and will be just as light weight and strong.
C'mon now... it's nice to think there is no difference other than cosmetics between premium rods and but there is a lot more going on the than looks and price.

I have good rods and feel about as guilty or wrong about that as those who own other rods 'for the price'.[/quote]

Your absolutely right. Like I mentioned regarding my Zero G and my RS3. The Zero is lighter, nicer and feels super and all around is better but the RS3 for the money catches just as many fish meaning I could still have $455 cash if I subtracted what I paid for the RS3 from the cost of the Zero G. Is the Zero G $455 better than an RS3 or any other $200 rod? I don't think you get $455 in better performance. It's just a want item and I could catch the same fish with a Sage Launch or RS3 or any other $200 rod.

I will be in South Fork, Colorado in a week and I bet you the rod I use is the Zero G though unless I break it.