Being a relativly newcomer to boats, I have witnessed the missing plug at least 4 different times while launching or taking out. I have to say however that the funniest thing i have seen at the dock is a guy mixing oil in his fuel tank for his brand new Honda 4-stroke 200HP motor! I was as nice as i could be trying to let the guy know that 4-strokes do not require oil in the fuel like 2-strokes, but all i got from him was the standard "Iv'e been doin it this way for years". I guess he didnt notice the two Honda 4-strokes on the back of my boat. Needless to say he did not get the motor started while we were on the dock despite him trying, and trying, and trying, and........

Upon returning from our day, the dock keeper came over to us while we were waiting to pull out, and said that the gentleman never got his motor started, read his owners manual to the motor, got real mad and left.

So to all, read the owners manual before you get to the dock, dont forget to put your plugs in, and by all means, take off the tie down straps!

Have fun, Jeff