My first 4 piece rod was a real eye opener. I travel a lot with my work and it was always a hassle bringing one of my two piece flyrods along to say nothing of what clients thought when they picked me up at the airport!!! If any asked I told them the 10 hours a day I'm working on their projects they get my 100% undivided attention, the other 14 hours are mine. Anyway some clients didn't appreciate that so when I was looking for a new rod, I went with a 4 piece mostly because I could stick it in my suitcase. Most Clients didn't care what I did on my own time, but some always think that they own you 24 hours/day, even if they only want to pay for 8.

When it came to fishing it, I noticed no difference in the casting or feel of the rod compared to a 2 piece, and I have not even considered buying a 2-piece rod since.

It's a personal decision though. I've made my choice based on my own needs and priorities. Yours may differ