Benjo what part of Oregon are you fishing?If you are fishing near the Portland area i can agree that not many people will wave or give you the time of day.I live on the south Oregon coast and i can tell you that most people i meet on the road always return a wave or stop to chat about the fishing.And the same goes for the central and eastern part of the state.I have met and made good friends on almost every river i have fished.This is not to say that i have not run into some rude people,but the majority are nice folks.

As far as the lack of fish goes,I have to agree with DShock,this has been a very dry winter for us.Until it rains and the rivers rise there will not be many steelhead around.When the water is low they tend to stay in the tide water areas until we get a couple days of good rain to bring the rivers up.Once that water starts to drop back down the rivers will be full of fish.I myself have not hooked one steelhead yet this year.One river that i fish here i could count on getting at least five or six hook ups a day.This year it has gone to zero because of the low water conditions.

I hope your luck changes for the better Benjo, and i hope you meet up with some of the nicer fisherpeople.

Tight Lines