Jed is being too kind; all of the fish "we" caught were on the end of his leader! In fact, he is too much of a gentleman to mention that I dropped 2 fish- one due to a knot failure (GROAN). I had tied up a new long leader the night before tapered to 7x -which is the extreme end of my range- and used blood knots instead of my usual uni to uni. I can't remember the last time I had a knot fail, which I'll chalk up to a learning experience. I would like to make it clear that I don't consider the fishing to have been "sub-par", maybe the catching. I spent a beautiful day on a wonderful river with great company and had plenty of quality fish to cast to. I even managed to "sting" a couple on my own ties! I had a great time! I had seen enough of Jed's posts to have a pretty good idea that I would be fishing with a gentleman and a sportsman, and that he had a sense of humor (which comes in handy- fishing with me). Jed has been kind enough in the past to give this "pilgrim" from eastern Massachusetts enough tips to get me in the right situations to enjoy some success with his home waters. I had to laugh at my girlfriends reaction when I told her I was meeting someone from an online bulletin board to fish. (You would think I was making plans to meet Jeffrey Dahmer or something!) That "Brokeback Mountain" movie has probably got alot of wives and girlfriends nervous.... Thanks FAOL and thanks Jed, I hope we get a chance to share some fishing again soon, Jim