How young is too young to learn fly angling? How old is too old to learn fly angling!

Tenkara, is what the Japanese call their form of fly angling. A Tenkara Fly Rod has no reel seat, or line guides. There is no reel, or fly line.

Tenkara is just a fly rod with a handle and a tiptop guide. The Tapered Leader is the same length as the fly rod. Attach the butt end of the tapered leader to the tiptop guide, and add a tippet section, to which you tie on the fly.

Cast the fly out onto (or into the water), hold the rod at a 45 degree angle to the water surface, as the line stretches out as the reciprocal 45 degree angle to the water surface.

So with fly rod - tapered leader - tippet - fly, a person can reach out almost 13 feet distance with a simple cast.

That is how I started my children into fly fishing and fly casting, using a
4 wt fly rod. Without all the extra hardware (reel, line) they were able to handle the fly rod without overtaxing their strength or coordination.