Hello flyfishfairwx, i've started looping everything the past couple of years and recently got the idea, 'why not loop to loop my tippet?' Seems to work just fine though I've not tried it on gin clear trout streams yet, only big rivers and lakes for steelhead, smb and lmb. Only difference from what you're doing is that i generally tye my own leaders. Seems versatile in that i can change back and forth between tippet size (not to exceed the last knotted then looped section) and tippet length if i'm fishing steel or smallies, or if i go to the lake. Lotsa options and main leader stays intact. I should also mention that i use fairly heavy tippet for all the above (0X, 1X, 2X or even spool mono like you do) but were i to go dry fly trouting, i'd use a leader tapered to 3X, loop it, then loop on some 4X, 5X for fussy trout...never finer though. Thanks for the informative post fffwx !



Quote Originally Posted by flyfishfairwx View Post
I buy a 9ft, 1,2 or 3X tapered leader, tie a loop in the end, the take about 2 - 4 ft of mono or poly line, size or weight 2 lb 4lb, 6 lb , 8 lb and loop to loop what ever size that I need, to the end of the leader, when the looped "tippet" gets too small I loop a new tippet it again, no need to cut and tie to the leader, and you can change "tippet size" fast..

Anybody else do this or am I the only one??