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Thread: nasty-tempered, grumpy, out-of-work, busted-up fishing guide

  1. Default nasty-tempered, grumpy, out-of-work, busted-up fishing guide

    ..... must be quote of the week, with the original quote taking a close second place!!! Well said, JC.... Poignant, and i couldn't have said it better if i tried(see Pike Fly Swap, on swap board!!)

    Keep up the good work!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    andy, where you been, dude? and how goes the pike fly business????


  3. Default

    LOL, Dave... good to be back!! Been snowed under with work, conferences, demonstrations and more work!!
    This was my first time hosting an FAOL swap... don't think i'll be attempting another!
    Been too busy to wet a line recently, or to hammer the ole' keyboard... but caught up with things now, so will be about more often.
    How's the linesider action?? You having fun, after such a long 'rest'???
    Good to hear from you again, dude.


  4. #4


    Well Andy I think you did a good job especially seeing it was a multicontinental swap. I know that it wasn't your fault they were late. I have done a few swaps and it seems like lately eveyone is in a hurry, even before the dead lines. It makes me question signing up for more swaps.

    So you are a busted-up fishing guide? That sounds like an interesting job.

    Who has time for stress when there are fish to catch.
    Your hooks sharp????

  5. #5


    Andy Don't let the responses of a few get to ya. There are those kinda people in every crowd.

    I personally enjoyed tying the flies cuz for me they were a different type of fly.

    Oh granted it would have been great to see
    those flies that were tied by others. But, what the hey! Fifty years from now, who?s gonna give a damn?

    The best bumper sticker EVER:

    The Proctologist called........
    they found your head!

    [This message has been edited by essobee (edited 15 June 2005).]

  6. Default

    Thanks for your kind remarks.
    I'm a hog farmer during the day, and pro fly-tyer in my spare time. The quote used was directed @ someone else by Castwell.. and deservedly so, given the grief that fellow gave me during the fly swap!
    I won't be hosting another.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    Andy, where is the castwell quote?

    And the stripers are back. I'm out of my persistent vegatative state....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    East Bridgewater,Ma USA


    I thought for a minute you were flaming Benjo with this post... I'm not accusing him of being grumpy or nasty tempered, but the rest kind of fits. Hope you are healing well out there, keep stocking those flyboxes....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Missoula, MT USA


    Yeah, it was real funny too. Thanks castwell.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


    JC, I thought you were talking about Flats Dude! silly me.

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