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Thread: Bass Show on ESPN

  1. #1

    Default Bass Show on ESPN

    There is a show on ESPN called "Loudmouth Bass" They are trying to get one of those "In Your Face" type shows going I guess? They are knocking Fly Fishermen as being wimps that kiss there fish before letting them go? If you were to ask me that show should have the B taken off of Bass and you would have the right name for it.

    Now If I am not mistaking there is a Yellowheaded guy from Oklahoma that Bass fishes (Has his own show) and kisses every bass he catches? I have also watched guys in those Bass tournaments kiss fish that they catch. Now I do not know about you but in all the years I have fished and guided for trout I have seen just one trout kissed and that was by a lady and her husband told her she had to do it as it was her first one.
    I do not understand why these guys have to come down on fly fishermen unless they just have to have something to poke fun at?

    It kind of amazes me that Bass fishermen would come down on anyone? They spend 50 grand for a boat, motor and trailer. Another 40 grand for a truck to haul it and another 10 to 15 for the rods, reels and lures that they use. All so they can run around at 70 miles an hour and catch a 2 pound Bass on 80 pound spiderwire?
    If you ask me they are the ones that are missing the real reason that a person fishes. Becuase it is fun and should be taken at an easy pace. I know a few Guides out here that would love to take those two Bass guys out fishing. Course they may come back with a few bumps and bruses on them? Ron

    [This message has been edited by RonMT (edited 16 February 2005).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    I caught that loudmouth bass segment the other day, it was part of the "Bass Center" show. As if bass fishing needs it's own version of Sports center...
    I was none to pleased when the one guy mentioned that he was going to "explore his feminine side" and go fly fishing.
    The simpler the outfit, the more skill it takes to manage it, and the more pleasure one gets in his achievements.
    --- Horace Kephart

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    I haven't seen the show, but I have seen the shows where, as you said, they simply drag small bass across the surface with a "winch"! If that is sport, it's news to me. I saw the "yellowhaired guy" mocking flyfishers by imitating "flycasting" with a spinning rod while fishing a river. I say "To each their own" & if you are not "into" a particular type fishing, just leave it alone.
    We all know how great flyfishing is, don't we?
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  4. #4


    I tried to find a way to express my opinion to them on this subject but could not do so on there web-site? Maybe I missed something? I could find no place to send an e-mail there way? But I sure would like a word or two with them on this subject. Ron

  5. #5



    I will agree with almost everything you said about Bass anglers (they have a womans division) except what they spend on equipment. Sorry but someone has mislead you on that. If you are one of the good guys, someone that wins, you pay nadda nothing. I never paid for my boat, trailer, motor, rods, reels, lures, or anything else. My sponsors did. I did not get to keep the boat, it was replaced every year, I did keep all the reels, lures, rods, and other stuff. I did buy my own SUV. But for the other stuff, no, I did win a few, but what was better was that I was able to sell myself. And someone else paid the bills.

    Now granted this was way back in the 70's but I am sure it has not changed since.

    So you are paying for his boat, motor, trailer, truck, and his fishing equipment everytime you purchase something from one of the sponsors.

    Sorry, but just thought you should know the rest of the story.


  6. #6



    here ya go

    here's my comment:

    i was very disappointed to see espn has more or less dropped all of its fly fishing programming. it is understandable...bass fishing = big $$$ and espn must follow the revenue stream. that i get.

    what i don't get is espn's show 'loudmouth bass'. there is no need for bass fisherman to denigrate fly fisherman. really, there is no need for any fisherman to denigrate another fisherman, period (assuming all are within the law in their practices and are using teh resource with respect). in a time when our natural resources are threatened and need our proactive protection, i am pretty disenheartened to see espn airing a show that promotes and encourages in-fighting and derision amongst the ranks of fisherman. in a time where we should be circling the wagons and banding together to fight to protect a resource we all enjoy using, 'loudmouth bass' does nothing but increase the divide between "different" types of fisherman.

    i was disappointed but understood espn's previous decisions to drop fly fishing programs for bass programs. that comes down to economics (sort of like why a sports netwrok carries poker 24/7...gotta chase revenue!). however, espn's decision to air a program such as 'loudmouth bass' has me seriously re-evaluating my 'favorite network'.

    something needs to be done, or you will be losing another viewer....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    Thanks for providing that link to ESPN Tim.I would like to see a few of these bass fishers drop there 20lb line and try catching a 5lb trout on a 3lb leader.All ESPN is doing with this kind of programing is causing a split between sportsmen and that is just what those who want to stop our sports want to see.I belive ESPN has gone to chasing the good old American dollar and could care less if they lose a few viewers.I have sent them my view on this matter.

  8. #8


    I don't know how you guys can sit and watch fishing shows. An hour show is probably 45 minutes of direct and indirect advertisements, 5 minutes of self or mutual congratulations and the rest fishing. What little I've seen of these shows: bass; salt; fly fishing; or other; it's like watching a bad movie or paint dry. Obviously there are other opinions of the shows, otherwise they wouldn't have the sponsors, but I'm glad that I don't get it.


  9. #9


    Allen- I have a TV right were I tie and it keeps me compnay. That is how I was watching it. It was 3 in the morning and I was tying. Nothing else on so I was just listening to it.

    HH- According to that program and another on there unless you are in the top 20 or so anglers it costs you a lot to fish in those tournaments. They said that it costs around $150.000.00 a year to just be out there not including all the gear like your boat and so on if you are not one of the top guy's They also stated that lure and rod and reel companys will give the anglers lower down that equipment but the bigger items they have to buy until they win and get there names out there.
    You have to understand to that I was talking about the "Normal" Bass fishermen that just fish and listen to all of that stuff. Then go out an buy it all. Makes a person wonder how many of them go into debt just to have that stuff?

    Tim-S Thinks for the link I will be sure and use it. I just wish more people would. Just to let the people at ESPN know that they are wrong and that some people take offence at what is going on there. Ron

  10. #10


    I kinda like it--fly fishing show are kind of boring to me, they just don't reflect the whole experience very well. They're mostly just a nonstop advertisment. If you don;t like it, change the channel.

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