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Thread: Why Fly-fishing is not more popular!

  1. #1

    Default Why Fly-fishing is not more popular!

    All I can say is HOLY COW! I called a fly shop the other day that organizes a fly-fishing consumer show. I introduced myself and asked about possibly purchasing some exhibit space and showing some new items we have coming as a sneak peek.

    The owner of the fly shop could not have fit the mould of the stereotypical fly shop owner/worker any better. His arrogance oozed through the phone and the holier than thou attitude made me sick. I will just never understand what turns some fly shop owners/employees into complete idiots.

    If I had been new to fly-fishing and walked into this shop and was met with this attitude I probably would have walked away from fly-fishing for good. Words cannot describe just how sick it makes me to deal with a complete &*%@# like this and know that they are representing our great pastime.

    Note to all fly shop owners and employees. Be sure you understand the following:

    - Despite what you may think, you do not know everything.

    - Despite what you may think, you are not better than everyone else that walks through the door.

    - Despite what you may think, you are not gods gift to the fly-fishing universe, you are not the worlds finest caster, fly tier, fly angler, etc.

    I will just never understand this attitude and it frustrates me to the core. I can?t tell you how many anglers I have spoken to that were completely turned off to fly-fishing after an experience like this when they were getting started.

    Needless to say, not only will I never get involved in their show, I will be sure nobody I know spends a penny in that store and I'll be happy to assist any shop that competes with them.

    Oh great, now my blood pressure is up . . .

    Jeff - AKA Dr. Fish
    If it has fins and swims than I must chase it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    I know what you are talking about. I have been treated that way and it is not a good feeling. I teach a beginning fly tying class and have taken some of my students into a fly shop to help them get started and they were not treated the way I think they should have been treated and they were not talked to like they should have been. In each case, I apologized to them for the store owner. I do not understand what has happened to customer service. I come from a background where I have always worked with customers and love it. It gives me a good feeling to know that I have served and helped someone. If I could afford it, I would love to own a fly shop and show customers how it feels to be treated like a customer. My favorite customer is one who comes in upset about something because that gives me something to work on. My happy customers are easy to work with and make my day easier. Give me the upset ones and let see if I can win another happy customer. I need to stop and get off my soap box. I just do not understand where we lost customer service in the business world and hope it makes a come back. My 2 cents worth.

    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

  3. #3


    Some are that way...others aren't.

    If I find a good fly shop in an area with friendly owners, I will keep going back. I would sooner go to Bass Pro and Cabelas where I always get friendly service before I would go to a fly shop owner who acts the way you describe.

    "If firearms cause crimes and kill people, all of the ones I have must be defective."

  4. #4



    Notwithstanding how right you are, think how this type of personality helps keep the rivers and streams less crowded (-:


  5. #5


    Dr. Fish, what shop in which town? Let's call a spade a spade. Maybe someone will give them a wake-up call.

    LadyFisher, Publisher of

  6. #6


    I'm certainly not saying ALL fly shops are this way because obviously this is not the case. I will say that I have been into many shops where this attitude hit you as soon as you walked through the door. I have also been in some shops where you were made to feel like an old friend when you walked in. I only wish there were more of these shops out there.

    While I'd love to call this retailer out, it would only cause problems for us as this brain trust would then start bad mouthing our products to everyone and anyone who would listen.

    If they only knew what they were doing to their business but chasing away customers.

    It's been a full week and I'm still steamed about it!

    Jeff - AKA Dr. Fish
    If it has fins and swims than I must chase it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Canton, Ohio, USA


    When I started, the guy taking my "paltry" $300.00 suddenly said he'd be right back, then came back & told me he had to take a call from one of his "high-dollar" customers, then proceeded to tell me about the thousands the guy spends. His attitude was clearly "bring big bucks or don't waste my time". Luckily, another man took over & the guys in that shop would stand there & demonstrate knots, etc...REGARDLESS whether I spent a dime or not! Quite a change & that welcome pulled me back in there after I had refused to return until I heard of the change in management. Sadly now, this large store has tremendously downsized the FF department...toobad, as flyfishing is growing in this part of Ohio.
    FAOL..All about caring, sharing, & good friends!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Sedro Woolley, Washington, USA


    I keep reading about all of these fly shops that display arrogant behavior and holier then thou attitudes. Where are they? I get to travel a bit in my work and one of the things I like to do is visit fly shops in those places I travel to. I have been in a lot of fly shops over the years. Frankly, I can think of only one in whcih the owner or shop worker was somewhat arrogant and that is just down the road from me. For the most part the shops I have visited the folks working there were friendly and informative. Somethimes I wonder if it isn't the customer that has the attitude.

    "The reason you have a good vision is you're standing on the shoulders of giants." ~ Andy Batcho

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cedar City, UT


    Kerry, in some cases, you are undoubtedly correct. There are always two sides to every story.

    I think it would be a denial of the evidence to assign the cause you suggest to all (or even most) of the negative stories related. The accounts are coming from many different people, and the majority identify the "arrogance" trait.

    Maybe we customers are humbled by the power relationship. Especially when we are new to the sport, "He's got the knowledge and equipment I need. All I have to offer is money."

    And perhaps most folks appreciate a salesman who can see the inequity of knowledge and experience, and treats the prospect as a person rather than a quick income stream .


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Another grand article JC,
    It seems that, around here anyway, as the economy tightened it became harder for some places to keep "long term" up front. And maybe that has to do more with have "new" employees who's "job" it is to "sell stuff" and don't yet have the experience to "let you buy stuff".
    That said, there are some GRAND shops still out there. Especially between Burney and San Jose......
    ......lee s.

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