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Thread: make any fly weedless

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    shenandoah valley, va

    Default make any fly weedless

    The Aug-sept issue of Fly Fisherman has a blurb, where basically you leave the tag end on your clinch knot long and thread it back thru the hook eye. I haven't tried it, but 2 things make me question. First, the author specifies mono, it seems the tag would be a visible deterrent to the fish. Second, "choose a tippet that has a similar diameter to the hook". That sounds like a big (oversized?) tippet.

    So, do you think this will work? And, do you have a in the field (on the fly?) way to make a weedless fly?

    Ill just go ahead and hijack my own post, but the same issue has a DIY travel tube, which is exactly how I make a rod case for my TFO rods. I know some on-line shootouts take TFO to task for the lack of a rod tube, but this is cheap and ez, and it helps keep the cost of TFO rods down. My house came with a deactivated whole house vacuum so I have a lifetime supply of rod tubes..... Just take a plastic tube, pick up a couple end caps (peanut butter jar tops also work), and go fishing...........
    "Fishermen are born honest, but they get over it"
    Ed Zern

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Since I do not get Fly Fisherman magazine, this thought may have no bearing on your question, but, is the article referring to flies for bass? If, so, they are not as shy of tippet material as trout. There are bass jigs with huge weed guards and the bass pay them no mind. Just a thought and nothing more....
    Fly fishing and fly tying are two things that I do, and when I am doing them, they are the only 2 things I think about. They clear my mind.

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