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Thread: Gas Drilling/ New York Times

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    shamokin, pa.



    YOU WANT WARM & FUZZY? YOU CAN"T HANDLE WARM & FUZZY!!! LOL!!! (from the movie: A Few Good Men - NOT!!!!!)

    Best regards, Dave - cold and not so fuzzy.

  2. #62


    The PFBC took action to do even more to protect the Commonwealth's resources under their control in regards to gas drilling. You can read about it here.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    shamokin, pa.



    I'll see your link, and raise you a link! LOL!! This is about the severence tax I've been babbling about!

    Best regards, Dave S.

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by nighthawk View Post
    Name them. Show me the news articles on them. Better yet show me the DCNR, DEP, Fish and Boat Commission and Game Commission reports on them.
    Have a good look....

    Just two recent news articles of the many "accidents" involving gas drilling operations in northcentral PA. I know, I life here. I hear that the tourism bureau will be updating its PA Wilds brochure so that tourists can find the drilling sites. I choose to live here for obvious reasons. All of those agencies and the DOT are citing drillers and truckers on what seems to be a daily basis. I don't post here often, but my good friend lastchance said that I should check out this post. Our local TU chapter is very concerned about this boom. Our legistrators are blinded by the money. There is so much money flowing in this area that it will make your head spin. One driller could not obtain a permit to draw water from Big Fishing Creek in Mill Hall, PA. No problem, a private country club agreed to sell them water under their permit. I am indirectly involved in this drilling boom in my work. The drillers state that they are dumping such small quantities of hazardous chemicals into the wells. They don't tell you that those hazardous chemicals are being trucked daily over our roads and along our streams. Those wilth drilling interests are very concerned about media coverage and they should be. Those working on the ground and driving the trucks are failing drug tests and being charged with DUI every day. Many truck drivers don't even have a valid commercial license. Accidents will happen on the drilling sites and on the roads. Some already happened. We have been lucky. Luck will run out for some folks.

    I caution all you anglers traveling on secondary roads in northcentral PA especially in the Pine Creek Valley area. Watch out for trucks. Pay attention. If you are pulling a trailer watch out for your extended side-view mirrors. Leave your motor home at home. You have been cautioned.
    Last edited by RatherBFishin; 03-07-2011 at 11:38 PM.

  5. #65
    nighthawk Guest


    I guess growing up in the part of Pennsylvania I am from tri axle trucks, their loads and their drivers don't frighten you. If they did we would never have stuck our noses out our front door but that is life in coal, limestone and oil country. Read this post again. You will find out that I am from the Northwest part of the state. I have family back there, I have family in Williamsport, I have family in Sonestown, Coudersport and Eagles Mere, I live in Perry County, Pennsylvania means "Penns Woods".

    I am not saying this is without risk. Life is all about risk. None of us was promised a rose garden. Fracing is here to stay whether you and I like it or not. The accidents you pointed out were part of the dozen or so accidents that have occurred over the past 15 years. Don't just present problems. Learn about the process, learn about how to do it in a responsible manner, don't let your sphere of concern out strip your sphere of influence, don't forsake either the environment nor humanity for an agenda.

    As far as the State Assembly goes remember who elected them. Those who didn't vote have a right to voice their opinion but when it comes to criticizing the elected officials that would make them hypocrites unless they are underage or have had their voting privileges suspended. Even then they work for you so don't just complain let them know who the boss is. It might not change a darned thing but it will make you feel better and remove that hypocrite thing from the equation.

    It is because of you and I that this technology is here and staying. Did you and I really think about the effects of turning up the heat, turning on the lights, turning on the PC to respond to this post, filling up that tank (then !@#$%^&* about the price), cooking on the BBQ, cooking on a modern appliance, cooling the home. Boy that fracing is a nasty process, this is criminal, the people responsible for this should be thrown in jail, wait.......the people responsible for this.......the people that created the demand are responsible for this......that is you and me.

    Fracing is here to stay because of us! If we don't learn how to do it properly, minimize it's impact, regulate and most of all lay aside the agendas, stop the bickering and work together then you and I will be responsible for repeating the ecological disasters of the past oil and gas industry only on a much grander scale. That can be avoided, we can have our cake and eat it but it is not without risk. When we cranked up the computer tonight we literally put the live of many people at risk as well as the environment just so we could have the electricity to do our thing. Some of the natural gas used for our thing we do came from a well that used fracing. With a few exceptions I don't hear any of the people bent against fracing complaining about yourselves here. I respect the ones who do realize their flaws and own up to them.

    I could be a whole heck of a lot more energy efficient and I strive to do that all of the time. I am part of the problem and try to limit my negative impact on the environment. I am not perfect. I do regale my representatives in both the State General Assembly and the Federal Government with concerns as well as suggestions for solutions. I am sure they are quite entertained by my ramblings. Actually they probabaly don't even really care but at least I have the satifaction of knowing I tried and keep trying.

    For you members of TU 10% of every item I sell on auction sites goes to TU even though they do not have a chapter in my county. I am not an official member but I pay far more than the annual dues every year.
    Last edited by nighthawk; 03-08-2011 at 12:55 AM.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    shamokin, pa.



    I have no problem with owning up to my part in creating energy demand, and when I know about some little energy saving tip (that I can do) I can not wait to incorporate it into my daily/monthly/yearly routine, after all I'm paying for it, plus its usually a no- brainer. I'm lucky in that when I make energy-based decisions I'm only affecting myself (as far as a household goes). I do keep my home a little warmer than I would like sometimes, because I have to consider the comfort level of my two dogs also. They have it better than me, LOL!!! - but pity them, because they have to put up with me!

    Thank you for your support of T.U. I do have a membership in T.U., and like you I devote a lot of effort, time, and money to groups that I am not an official member. I maintain memberships in four groups/organizations - that's it. If I want to be able to afford the gas to go and help out any additional groups, they either get my money or physical labor/help, but not both. I don't have the cash to do any more than I do now, and with the economy wreaking havoc with my discretionary funds, I will have to cut back on my volunteer work as it is. I have quite a bit of blood , sweat, and more blood wrapped up in helping to get Pa.'s wild pheasant program off the ground. Wednesday my two dogs and I will be participating in the last of three pheasant flushing surveys we've done this year. Don't get me wrong, I love doing this stuff, and me and my dogs get plenty out of it. Hey, I get to run my dogs on wild birds - for free - how cool is that! I'm told that one of the landowners where we did some flushing last week, is going to allow drilling on her property. How that will affect the pheasants and the overall scheme of things, I don't know - but I guess we'll find out!

    Me making any kind of suggestion to anyone in the fracking business would be like me offering advice to a cardiac surgeon or an electrician - ain't gonna happen! Why? I don't speak their language! That's what we pay the DEP, EPA, Fish Commission, and Game Commission for!! You can say, then how are you qualified to comment on a spill? Because when fish are belly-up, their is no qualifications needed. I'm not here to tell fracking people how to do their job, but I am here to tell them how NOT to do their job! The fracking industry has plenty of safe guards, the problem arises when they ignore those procedures - and that's when the average citizens role comes into play. Yes, we need the energy, yes we need to look at what we do in our daily lives that can make a difference in our consumption of all our natural resources.

    It is sad though, that we will have to play in a much uglier sandbox! I am going to die, having never seen the scars removed from the landscape around my town as it is. I have failed - miserably - in trying to even stop or slow down the continued trashing of my local woods and waters! There is a generation of people among us who just don't care. I can't identify any particular age group, but there is definitely a segment that can not be reached - by reasoning, by shaming, by arresting, or by any kind of incentive, as far as I can see, and they are putting a hurting on the rest of us. For every piece of litter you pick up, they are busy dumping a pick-up truck load back on the ground. If I bang my head against that wall hard enough, will I eventually bring the wall down, or am I re-enforcing that wall with pieces of my skull?? Thanks for the continuing discussion. No one can hear you unless you speak. Have at it!

    Just one more observation - I am totally dependent on the price of gas, and unless I abandon my whole life as I live it now, I will continue to be stuck with the only fuel available that I can (and the juries out on that!) afford. The location of our homes and our lives are molded around what it costs to get to the places that make us happy. Whether that's work or a trout stream or whatever. Where I live, we have moved our stores and hospitals and various things that support us, farther and farther away. As a result, we don't walk to school, to work, to the store, to church, to a movie theater etc. We drive! We have to. Many places you would not dare try to walk, because traffic has become very unfriendly to pedestrians.The price of fuel is a major factor in my life. If I could have predicted the high price, I would not live where I do now, with all my eggs in one basket. The thing is, if you can't afford to live in the Anthracite region of Pa., you can't afford to live anywhere in the U.S.A! This is the reality of where and how I live. I could be happier, but it could always be worse, so I do the best I can with what I have.

    Respectfully yours, Dave S.
    Last edited by fishdog54; 03-08-2011 at 05:06 AM.

  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by nighthawk View Post
    Name them. Show me the news articles on them. Better yet show me the DCNR, DEP, Fish and Boat Commission and Game Commission reports on them.
    You asked for it....

    DEP Fines Pennsylvania General Energy Co. LLC $28,960 for Illegal Surfactant Discharge to Pine Creek in Lycoming County Incident Occurred at a Marcellus Natural Gas Well Pad in Cummings Township

    WILLIAMSPORT -- The Department of Environmental Protection today announced that it has fined Pennsylvania General Energy Co. LLC (PGE) of Warren $28,960 for the illegal discharge of Airfoam HD, a surfactant, into Pine Creek in Lycoming County last March. Surfactants are used by natural gas drillers to create a foam that will lift water and drill cuttings to the surface. Airfoam HD is approved by DEP for use by the industry.

    One more...

    Talisman and Chief Fined by DEP

    In response to separate incidents, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) issued fines to two of the larger natural gas companies in the Commonwealth: Talisman Energy USA, Inc. and a subsidiary of Chief Oil and Gas.

    Talisman's $24,608 fine was announced on January 6, 2011 in reaction to a large diesel spill at a Marcellus Shale site. According to the DEP, the March 2010 spill contaminated 3,800 tons of soil and 132,000 gallons of water.

    Chief Gathering LLC, a subsidiary of Chief Oil and Gas, was fined a $34,000 for illegally discharging hydrostatic water on August 11, 2010. According to the DEP report, hydrostatic water is used to test for leaks in gas pipelines before they are used for gas. There were five related violations with the incident, including:
    • Failure to minimize the flow rate from the discharge point and allowing the formation of a 150-foot erosion channel
    • Failure to submit accurate, detailed Notice of Intent project information
    • Discharging hydrostatic test water with a total chlorine residual greater than 0.05 parts per million
    • Allowing an unknown industrial waste to co-mingle in five storage tanks with the hydrostatic test water, which was subsequently discharged
    • A failure to monitor the discharge for the specified effluent parameters at the minimum frequency required.
    One more...

    <H1>DEP Fines Seneca Resources Corp. $40,000 for Violations at Marcellus Operation in Tioga County</H1>

    Company Illegally Impacted Exceptional Value Wetland Restoration Work Underway

    WILLIAMSPORT ? The Department of Environmental Protection has fined a Marcellus Shale driller $40,000 and ordered it to correct multiple violations after discovering that the company illegally built an impoundment on wetlands in Tioga State Forest, jeopardizing an important natural resource. DEP inspected the Bloss Township, Tioga County, site in March and found that Seneca Resources Corp. of Brookville had filled nearly one acre of ?exceptional value? wetland without authorization, improperly built an impoundment, and caused sediment runoff by failing to institute erosion control best management practices. The unauthorized fill in a wetland and sediment runoff were violations of the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law and the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act.

    Nighthawk, I'll keep them coming...


  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Portage, PA


    Thanks, RatherBfishin, for providing those reports. There are many more accidents that don't get reported and are swept under the rug.
    The media is far from perfect, but thank God for the biased news media. If it wasn't for the biased news media the crooks running politics in PA would have gotten away with giving themselves a pay raise in the middle of the night a few years ago.

  9. #69
    nighthawk Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by RatherBFishin View Post
    You asked for it....

    DEP Fines Pennsylvania General Energy Co. LLC $28,960 for Illegal Surfactant Discharge to Pine Creek in Lycoming County Incident Occurred at a Marcellus Natural Gas Well Pad in Cummings Township

    WILLIAMSPORT -- The Department of Environmental Protection today announced that it has fined Pennsylvania General Energy Co. LLC (PGE) of Warren $28,960 for the illegal discharge of Airfoam HD, a surfactant, into Pine Creek in Lycoming County last March. Surfactants are used by natural gas drillers to create a foam that will lift water and drill cuttings to the surface. Airfoam HD is approved by DEP for use by the industry.

    One more...

    Talisman and Chief Fined by DEP

    In response to separate incidents, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) issued fines to two of the larger natural gas companies in the Commonwealth: Talisman Energy USA, Inc. and a subsidiary of Chief Oil and Gas.

    Talisman's $24,608 fine was announced on January 6, 2011 in reaction to a large diesel spill at a Marcellus Shale site. According to the DEP, the March 2010 spill contaminated 3,800 tons of soil and 132,000 gallons of water.

    Chief Gathering LLC, a subsidiary of Chief Oil and Gas, was fined a $34,000 for illegally discharging hydrostatic water on August 11, 2010. According to the DEP report, hydrostatic water is used to test for leaks in gas pipelines before they are used for gas. There were five related violations with the incident, including:
    • Failure to minimize the flow rate from the discharge point and allowing the formation of a 150-foot erosion channel
    • Failure to submit accurate, detailed Notice of Intent project information
    • Discharging hydrostatic test water with a total chlorine residual greater than 0.05 parts per million
    • Allowing an unknown industrial waste to co-mingle in five storage tanks with the hydrostatic test water, which was subsequently discharged
    • A failure to monitor the discharge for the specified effluent parameters at the minimum frequency required.
    One more...

    <H1>DEP Fines Seneca Resources Corp. $40,000 for Violations at Marcellus Operation in Tioga County</H1>

    Company Illegally Impacted Exceptional Value Wetland Restoration Work Underway

    WILLIAMSPORT ? The Department of Environmental Protection has fined a Marcellus Shale driller $40,000 and ordered it to correct multiple violations after discovering that the company illegally built an impoundment on wetlands in Tioga State Forest, jeopardizing an important natural resource. DEP inspected the Bloss Township, Tioga County, site in March and found that Seneca Resources Corp. of Brookville had filled nearly one acre of ?exceptional value? wetland without authorization, improperly built an impoundment, and caused sediment runoff by failing to institute erosion control best management practices. The unauthorized fill in a wetland and sediment runoff were violations of the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law and the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act.

    Nighthawk, I'll keep them coming...

    Please do. Sure looks like DEP is on the ball doesn't it. Personally you can post as many as you want it won't make one iota of any real difference. But if it makes ya feel better please continue. Don't kid yourself into thinking that the higher up people in industry or the state care what we post here. Preaching to the choir.

    Say while your at it why don't you post all of the reports over the last 15 years that were hazmat accidents not related to fracing? Should be very easy for an enterprising person to find since they substantially outnumber the accidents involving the fracing procedure.

    Used to be a time in this country when we went after number 1 first but now we go after what suits our agenda.

  10. #70
    nighthawk Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by lastchance View Post
    Thanks, RatherBfishin, for providing those reports. There are many more accidents that don't get reported and are swept under the rug.
    The media is far from perfect, but thank God for the biased news media. If it wasn't for the biased news media the crooks running politics in PA would have gotten away with giving themselves a pay raise in the middle of the night a few years ago.

    Who voted these people into office? Thanking God for biased news media? What is that all about? Try thanking him for them men who wrote the constitution guaranteeing freedom of the press and the men and women who have defended it throughout the centuries.

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