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Thread: Going out of business

  1. #1

    Default Going out of business

    If anybody is close to Tyler,Tx a small fly shop is closing. It is inside an outdoors store called Backcountry.Mostly everything is 30% off.They have lots of tying materials,some rods(TFO,St.Croix),Mostly what you need to flyfish.Better hurry, it's going fast! The store is just inside loop 323(south side) on Troop highway on the right in a small shopping center.I'd go buy more but that takes money.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Hollywood, MD USA


    It usually is not a good thing when a "mom & pop" goes out of business. Bothers me personally even to see empty stores in the all too many strip mall/shopping centers. Big boxes with their own floor plans etc. Anywho, I can empathise with the loosing of a flyshop. The one and only near me (30 to 45 minutes away) changed hands and then soon closed. Now I have to drive a minimum of 1 1/2 to 2 hours to the nearest resemblence of a shop. Besides the loss of tackle and hardware, the loss of the companionship/comradere/insight was a greater loss.

    Live each day as if it were your last, some day you'll be right!
    Eternal decisions can only be made on this side of eternity.

  3. #3


    Thats a shame.

    I dont think I have any fly fishing shops even close to me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I guess I sould count my self lucky. A small fly shop within a large hardware shop in rural Pinckney, Michigan is not far from me and the owner is going to sell. But he's going to sell the hardware side and move his flyshop to a location closer to the Ann Arbor area and even closer to me. Like Craig the owner said, I'd rather spend time with a fellow selling a couple of flies than a guy taking up half an hour and walking out the store with a 8 cent washer. If you want to keep that old time atmosphere and nice place to go and chat with a fellow fly fisher, you'd better support and buy something from them. I could have ordered a vest on line a month ago to replace my old warn releic, I bought one from the Golden Drake Flyshop in Pinckney Michigan. And guess what, it was the same price as the one on line and instead of paying freight, I got to drive along the Huron River and enjoy an hour in a real fly shop. Jonezee

    I learn more about the world while talking to myself when fishing alone

  5. #5


    Sorry guys, didn't mean to bum you out.It really bugs me that it's closing but I know we can all use a little savings at times.That is why I was letting anybody in the area know.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2001
    McKinney TX USA
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    hey James,

    Its indeed bad news and it does bum folks out. But some of the edge could be taken off for the owners by folks coming and buying that stuff. So, in my eyes, you are doing a good thing by posting here.

    IM = robinrhyne@hotmail.com

  7. #7


    John 3:16

    I agree with Robin, you should not feel bad.
    We all hate to see our friends go out of business, but it is life. Like JC said nothing can be done. You have done the shop and the people here a service just by letting them know. It could be that someone has not been to the shop in a year or so and would like to say good bye. Kindness and well meaning gestures should never make you feel badly.


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