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Thread: Miracle Mile THANKS -- ktokj & ursus

  1. #1

    Default Miracle Mile THANKS -- ktokj & ursus

    Once again, I'd like to state what an incredible resource this site and it's users are. I printed out ursus and ktokj's replies to my question on streamer techniques for the Mile and stuck it in my pack. Made a huge difference!

    The Mile water was "low" (ha -- for this small creek Colorado boy, it was a raging torrent!), and ktokj hit the mid-river technique exactly right -- conehead bugger on dry line, with some lead was perfect for the runs and riffles. Didn't work in the holes, couldn't get deep enough -- but I adapted ursus' suggestion for digging deep, and tied on an 8 foot sinking tip for the holes, with a short leader. Beauty! Lots of big, fat, healthy rainbows, up to 18". Sore arm from fighting fish....

    And one funny story. Tons of moss, had to clear moss from the bugger every couple casts. Got hung up on moss (I thought), and twitched the rod. Still stuck. Gave it a solid tug, it moved a bit, felt like I'd hooked a nice wet log about 2 feet long. Gave it one more twitch, and the 'log' started moving rapidly upstream and across the current, with my reel screaming! A big brown, at least 24". I fought him for 5 minutes and lost him, but the adrenaline lasted for an hour afterwards. My buddy Ralph is still laughing about my radio call when I realized I had a big fish on. "Ralph, get over here, it's BIG. I mean REALLY BIG. Really, really, really big. I'm in the middle of the river and can't move. Please help!"

    Thanks again, all.


  2. #2


    Glad to hear you had a great trip. The Mile is definitely making a bit of a comeback.

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