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Thread: In From ScamBusters:

  1. #1

    Cool In From ScamBusters:

    <>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><> ~<>~<><>~<>
    Most Work-At-Home Job Offers Are Not What They Seem
    <>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><>~<>~<><> ~<>~<><>~<>

    (Note: we split some of the paragraphs to make this article
    easier to read. The content, however, has not been changed at

    Would you like to earn lots of money in the comfort of your
    own home? Generate thousands in income in your spare time?

    Ads offering work-at-home opportunities can be found
    everywhere from Internet employment websites to neighborhood
    telephone poles.

    This might seem like the perfect solution for retirees who
    want to bring in some extra dollars. But, there's a catch --
    most of these work-at-home opportunities are scams cleverly
    designed to leave you with less money than when you began.

    Among the most common work-at-home scams...

    * Stuffing envelopes

    Lure: Earn big bucks for folding papers and sticking them into
    envelopes, usually more than $1 per envelope.

    Trap: You will be asked to pay for your supplies or training.
    You'll typically receive only worthless instructions suggesting
    that you con others into applying for envelope-stuffing jobs.

    Reality: Bulk mailers use machines to stuff envelopes.

    * Medical billing or insurance claims processing

    Lure: You can make big money processing medical paperwork.

    Trap: You will be asked to pay hundreds of dollars for the
    software and training required.

    Reality: The majority of medical offices process their own
    bills or outsource to large companies. Very few hire

    * Assembling crafts or sewing together clothing

    Lure: Are you good with your hands? Then these companies claim
    to have a career for you. They will send you unassembled parts
    and instructions, and you assemble them and send them back.

    Trap: The company will ask you to pay a deposit up front
    because it needs assurance that you will do the work and return
    the assembled goods. When you send in your completed products,
    most or all will be rejected as not meeting specifications, and
    the company will keep your deposit.

    * Email processing

    Lure: Earn big bucks by receiving email sent to the customer
    service websites of major companies, then forwarding these
    messages to the proper departments. For a fee, you can receive
    a list of companies anxious to hire you.

    Trap: This list will be worthless, perhaps just companies
    pulled at random from the Yellow Pages.

    Reality: Businesses usually do not hire individuals to work at
    home processing email.

    * Payment processing for international companies

    Lure: A company with clients around the globe needs a US
    representative to handle incoming checks. You will receive
    checks from overseas, deposit them in your account, take a
    small cut as your fee, then send your own check for the
    remainder to your foreign employer.

    Trap: The checks you receive will bounce. By the time your
    bank informs you that there is a problem, the check you wrote
    will have cleared, and your "employer" will have disappeared.

    * Mystery shopping

    Lure: Earn thousands of dollars by reporting on the quality of
    the service you receive in stores.

    Trap: Anyone who says that you can earn high pay mystery
    shopping is a scammer. They might be trying to con you into
    paying for mystery shopping information that you could find
    online for free.

    Reality: Legitimate mystery shopping assignments typically pay
    up to $10 an hour (in some cases, as high as $20 per hour), or
    perhaps you'll receive a free restaurant meal or a token amount
    of some merchandise. For information on legitimate mystery
    shopping opportunities, see the Idea Lady website.


    Variation: You are told that you are evaluating a financial
    company, such as a bank or money-forwarding service. You are
    then sent a large check and told to deposit this money into your
    own account, then wire some portion of the funds to the address
    provided. The check bounces, leaving you responsible for the
    money wired.

    Some work-at-home scams can be applied to virtually any
    work-at- home occupation. Be suspicious if you are told...

    *"We overpaid you with your first check. Please send the extra
    money back." Your new employer "accidentally" sent you more
    than you were owed and asks you to send back a check for the
    excess. Sometime after you send this check, your bank tells you
    that the original paycheck bounced. Your "job" was a ruse to
    get you to send the "overpayment" check.

    *"You got the job! We just need your Social Security number so
    we can pay you." It is perfectly reasonable for an employer to
    ask for a prospective employee's Social Security number.
    Scammers take advantage of this by posting legitimate-sounding
    job offers on career websites, then stealing applicants'

    Do not provide your Social Security number until you have
    thoroughly researched the employer and are confident that the
    company and job opportunity are real.

    Scam Avoidance

    Job websites Elance, Guru and RentACoder offer legitimate
    work-at-home opportunities, but usually only for workers with
    specific skills, such as computer programming, Web design,
    writing, sales or engineering. (Use caution even on these
    websites -- there might be scams among the listings.)


    To avoid becoming a victim of work-at-home scams...

    * Ignore work-at-home job opportunities that arrive unsolicited
    via email. Legitimate jobs are not advertised by spam.

    * Avoid offers that promise big profits without asking for
    specific skills or experience.

    * If someone trying to sell you on a business opportunity
    swears that there are dozens of potential clients in your
    region anxious to work with you, insist on speaking with at
    least two or three of them. If no names are forthcoming and/or
    these "prospects" don't confirm their interest, move on.

    * Be skeptical whenever money heads in the wrong direction.
    Legitimate employers pay employees -- they do not charge
    potential employees for training materials or interview fees.
    It is reasonable for a company to charge a fee if it is going
    to help set you up in your own independent business, but be
    cautious of these offers, too.

    Likewise, avoid any job that requires you to deposit checks or
    send checks from your own account.

    * Do a Web search to research any company. A legitimate company
    should have a professional-looking website (though this is no
    guarantee of legitimacy). You should be able to locate the
    company's phone number and address, not just a post office box.

    The company website should not be the only place that the
    company's name turns up on the Web. Skim the mentions of the
    company that your search uncovers. Do any of them say the
    company is a scam? Also, check with the Better Business Bureau.


    * Check the employer's email address. Legitimate corporate
    email addresses usually end with the company name, not the name
    of a free Web-based email service. Example: The email address
    rwjohnson@xyxcorp.com is more likely to be legitimate than is

    * Consider how you would hire employees for this job, and how
    much you would pay, if you were the employer. If an offer made
    to you seems too good to be true, walk away.

    Bottom Line/Retirement interviewed Audri Lanford, PhD,
    codirector, Internet Scambusters, a website devoted to
    informing the public about scams and cons, Boone, North
    Carolina, www.scambusters.org

    Reprinted with the permission of:
    Bottom Line/Personal
    Boardroom, Inc.
    281 Tresser Blvd, 8th Floor
    Stamford, CT 06901

    That's all for today -- we'll see you next week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Island Nation of Ohio


    Boy, and I thought all that stuff was for real. I'll bet next you'll say there's no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny either. What a bubble buster.

    Now I'll have to make a cocktail to get over my depression. At least I have my bread baking to fall back on.
    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  3. #3


    One thing that disturbed me about the Work at Home Scam site, that I checked out, was they set you up with all this crap that you can sell or get credit for selling. Spyware was one of the products, Spyware that not only was worthless, but probably has the ability to hi-jack your browser.
    Always go to a reputable Computer Site for reviews, since these Scam sites create their own reviews.
    Enjoying the joys of others and suffering with them- these are the best guides for man. A.E.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Powell River British Columbia
    Blog Entries


    What gets me is that these things persist and folks get caught in them....

    Blows my mind that folks that were born with more brains then the creator gave a rock, would fall for that stuff...
    As in the Army, I have never had a bad day Fly fishing, some damn uncomfortable days but never a bad one!
    Everyone must believe in something and I believe in Fly Fishing and Fly Tying and believe I will
    Member of Project Healing Waters & Fly Fishing Canada, Project Healing Waters Canada

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Anderson, South Carolina (Northwest corner of SC) USA

    Default We need to bring back drawing and quartering!

    I just detest people who would do things like this to other needy people. These scams prey on single mothers who must stay at home, the injured and the handicapped trying to make ends meet, and the elderly. We need to bring back a few medieval execution methods to deal with these miserable bastards. Sorry if I seem to be upset but this is the Sound Off BB. 8T

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