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Thread: Good News / Bad News

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington

    Default Good News / Bad News

    I have some good news and some bad news. At least it is for me. Lady Lotech and I have been planning on going to the Idaho Fish-In this year because I feel like when I?m there I?m home again. We were planning on using the money I?ve been calling, ?Uncle George?s Play Dough? to finance the trip, but we?ve decided to re-allocate the funds. My wading has turned into the appearance of a drunk walking on ball bearings, so I?m using my share of the money to get a new pontoon boat.
    The bad news is, we won?t be at the Idaho Fish-In this year. And we will most assuredly miss everyone there.
    The good news is, I?ll be opening up a whole new theater of fishing possibilities. I?m learning how to fish lakes, and Brian Chan?s tutorial on chironomid fishing is starting to get exciting to me.
    I?m sad that I can?t be at Lowell this year, but I?m excited with the new possibilities presented to me with the new pontoon boat. Lake fishing is starting to be a viable option for me. My new pontoon boat is the Colorado XT, presented by Cabela?s. I?m getting the sage colored boat because I?ve seen lots of orange boats out there. Instead of cooking Dutch Oven dinners at streamside, I?ll be cooking them at Lakeside.
    Be happy for us. OK? OK!
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  2. Default

    I was just at cabelas the other day. The one you have your eye looks to be a nice pontoon. Have fun with it, and stay safe...

  3. #3
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    Thumbs up

    with Gas Prices etc, Im sure that a lot of people are going to be learning the wonders that are lake fishing. I spend most of my fishing time on a local pond, I can be fishing in 20 minutes. and it takes less than a gallon of gas there and back. Sorry to hear about your ballance but welcome to the warm water.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Island Nation of Ohio


    Congrats on the new 'toon. Like yourself, I'll probably not be at the IDFI as previously planned, but it's because of the cost. Just fuel round trip will be +/- $1,000.00 at $4 pre gallon which is at least what it will be by then, then there's the food, license and camping costs to go along with it, not to mention 31 hours drive time. Air fare is about the same when you factor in rental car and fuel for it. Also, my original traveling companion has changed plans for the summer/fall, and will be visiting his daughter in Georgia for a month. I just can't do all those miles myself without some reprieve.

    Joe Valencic
    Life Member FFF
    Rod Builder in Chains

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Nampa, Idaho USA


    Wow lake fishing huh. I love fishing lakes for several reasons. It sounds like you are getting set up quite well. I am not hot on chromies but do use a lot of wet flies or streamers. Lake fishing is my primary souce of fishing cause my friends can't walk far or wade. Wish you all the best. I can't make the idaho fishin due to my son's surgery taking up my vacation time but oh well always another year.

  6. #6



    You might want to checkout Morris & Chan on Fishing Trout Lakes. I have been fishing lakes for years and my hookup ratio skyrocketed after reading the book.

    Enjoy your new toon!
    Trout don't speak Latin.

  7. #7


    Stillwater Resources....trout

    FAOL.... some good stillwater stuff seldom talked about
    Denny Richards
    Brian Chan
    Phil Rowley

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Joe, Good for you. I am in the same boat as you are so to speak. I bought myself a toon last year and I just love it. I put a large 12 inch pneumatic tire on the back of it so I can maneuver it around like a giant wheelbarrow easily as anything. I can row a toon all day long without getting tired. But as you know, when I try to fish rocky shores I fall and break things. ......or maybe I was pushed......hmmmmmmm......

    I plan to go to Central Washington fish in about 2 days early. Fishing at Banks lake for walleye. Then Dry falls lake to see if I can catch my first ever brown. Blue lake for Walleye and Rainbows, Lenore for lahontan cutthroats finally making my way to ephrata for the fish in. At the fish in I plan to Troll the deep part of Evergreen reservoir with really large flies for Bass or Hope against hope Tiger Muskie that are supposed to reach the legal size of 36inches this year. Should I latch on to a tiger I have no doubt that I will have to cut it off cause my 5wt would be a tad tiny for that. Light tippets and damm the torpedoes.

    Last year on the way home from cwfi, I stopped at blue lake and Lenore lake , I caught two nice yellow perch and a small bass at blue and one small 6 inch cutty at Lenore. I kind of wished I had time to fish them a little more so this year I am. I hope your going to CWFI . I miss your dutch oven.
    A lot!

    PS Evergreen is near Stan coffin lake on the same road.

    Joe I'll make a deal with you , If you show up for the CWFI , just down the road from where you live by the way. I'll bring my Morris & Chan on Fly fishing Trout Lakes. Yours to keep. We can chronnie fish for tigers on Evergreen reservoir with Ice Cream cone chronomids from our toons. Just a couple of old farts happily sailing along without a care or a clue. What do you say? You up for it?
    Last edited by Gnu Bee Flyer; 04-27-2008 at 08:41 AM.
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Liberty Lake, Washington


    Gnu Bee,
    I have 5 large boxes built for raise bed gardening behind my garage. I have 2 more to build. I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to make it to the CWFI this year because I have 6 yards of garden soil coming on the 9th, and a crowd of folks coming over to help fill those boxes. I'm fixing burgers and brats, baked beans and potato salad for all the helpers. But not till after the work is done. I'll tell you what though, if you send that book to me I'll return it when I'm done.
    I'm starting to miss everybody already.
    Where you go is less important than how you take the steps.
    Fish with a Friend,
    Lotech Joe

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Penticton BC
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    What? Did hell suddenly freeze Man you'll get that book at a fish-in and no where else. Here's hoping you get the wampum to come next year, I'm gonna miss you buddy.

    Now I really need to catch a Tiger muskie so I can go na na na na na na
    For God's sake, Don't Quote me! I'm Probably making this crap up!

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