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Thread: Show me the canoe!

  1. #1

    Default Show me the canoe!

    I'm shopping canoes, more or less, right now. I decided last fall I wanted one, and I'll probably take the summer to outfit it for fall or next year. I'm going to start seriously looking this month. I think I want something in the 12-14' range, with a good beam. This is going to be for isolated ponds I can't get the boat into.
    A fellow fly fisherman in Louisiana put this awesome package together (hope you don't mind me using this here, SL!) and it's pretty much what I want to accomplish:'

    Show me some of your canoe rigs. I'd love to hear your ideas and maybe help me build them into mine!


    [This message has been edited by RStouff (edited 11 March 2006).]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    Awesome accessorizing!
    We are kida sorta looking for a canoe also. Traditional style. We are aiming for simplicity though. Something to drag off the PU, toss in the water, add pole, paddle, and dog and embark. Oh yeah...lunch in a water proof container too.
    ....lee s.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Greensboro, NC, USA


    I have had a Blue Hole Prowler for several years, and I love it. It is a great all around boat, for camping, fishing, one or two people, car-topping and carrying.
    Here is a link:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Clara City, MN USA


    Mine certainly isn't rigged with that much weight -- until I get in it! Instead of using the anchor board I used U-bolts to accomplish the same thing with less weight. Nor do I use outriggers. Mine is a tandem woodstripper made from cedar, so I put a stadium seat in front of the back thwart for a seat. You should look into building a stripper, Roger. With your boat building ability this should be a snap. Mine weighs 50 lbs, but I am planning on building a Merlin this spring that should come in at 35 lbs and is 15 ft. long. JGW

  5. #5


    Roger, RW here

    I use an Old Town Pack Canoe, made of Royalex. Tough but light as a feather. Has served me well on small waters for almost 25 years. It's a solo canoe, 12 feet, 33 pounds and really moves out with a small electric motor. Rated for about 400 pounds and it will go anywhere. I wish I had a nickel for every fish I've caught using it. I could probably buy another whole rig and have money left over.

    Later, RW

    "Maybe your stature as a fly fisherman isn't determined by how big a trout you can catch, but by how small a trout you can catch without being disappointed." <John Gierach>

    [This message has been edited by Royal Wulff (edited 11 March 2006).]
    "The value of trout is simply that they exist" <Frank Weisbarth>

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Bonneau, SC USA


    Hey Roger,

    The canoe you posted is pretty darned
    neat.*G* I finally found a small bassboat
    I liked and could afford, but once while
    between canoes, I built this little 8'
    pontoon out of plywood. It cost me $100
    in materials and took a long weekend to
    build. I fished it over a 4 year period
    before the non-marine plywood and house
    paint gave up the ghost. I've still got
    the hardware and hope to build another
    using marine ply and glass. It was a total
    hoot to fish. It would scoot around in
    water that was ankle deep as well as in the
    chop of the big lake. Warm regards, Jim

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Southern Illinois


    If you have never been in a canoe with a FF fighting a 4-5 lb LM bass you will never apriciate the outriggers.

    RS the outriggers can be had from canoegear.com I have a pair,they are pretty much universal fit.I can sit on the side of my canoe and not flip,Standing to cast is easy.My wife is not real stable in a canoe likes to lean into the paddle stroke and fights a cross wave.The outriggers solved the swimming and argument problem.
    We use a pelican 15 1/2 foot plastic like a coleman our dog doesn't sit still very well and doesn't like not able to look over board. You put an unstable wife a 300lb man and 80 lbs of dog in a canoe,you got a FULL boat.We love our "TRAINING WHEELS".
    Reaching over the side to land a fish is easy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Knoxville, TN 37920 USA


    I like the canoe setup, I have turned a canoe over and lost all that I had in it. The outriggers would have saved all my gear. John

    I wish you all everlasting flies and tight lines.
    I wish you all everlasting flies and tight lines.

  9. #9


    Jim that is TOO clever!


  10. #10


    we had a pontoon boat thing made out of heating ducts, welded together. Worked great 2 people and a 8hp motor. caught many pike from it. Left it at the cabin when we sold it, they where still using it a couple years ago.

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