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Thread: SA Headstart

  1. #1

    Default SA Headstart

    Hello again all,

    I am thinking of getting a new line. As you might have guess already, the one I am leaning to is the Headstart line. I am using a Sage 9' 6# and am looking for something for gill and bass fishing. I may also try to do some trout work, but that is for later in the year. Mostly though, it will be for gills and bass. Flies will be mostly setup for them, but I am wanting something that will work for some dry fly presentation work on streams as well.

    I have read that a short headed line tend to not be very useful for delicate work as might be needed for the dry fly work. But I have also been told that long headed lines meant for good dry work (trout) won't cast a large bass bug well.

    My line is going to be WF Floating. I have seen the SA Bass taper, but it seems to be only 1' longer head design and $20+ more than the headstart!

    Other things to factor in, fishing will be from bank or from small inflatable boat, wading maybe but later on. So roll casting ease would be nice.

    Any advise is greatly appreciated!!!

    Thanks all!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Petaluma, Ca, USA


    I am NOT a good enough caster to realize much advantage derived from the physical characteristics present in the finished line as far as varied tapers of WF lines. It may be that we tossed L lines for too long.
    It does seem that varied application of GOOD basic casting principles would have far more effect as to "distance", "turn-over" and "delicate" than line configuration....in general.
    That said, there are some quite awesome tools manufactured for bug tossers nowdays.
    ......lee s.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Des Moines, IA


    I use SA's Headstart on my 5wt. I bought it specifically for bluegills and IMHO it is a great line. Bruce Richards at SA feels it is a good alternative to a bass bug taper line.

    I would think with a 6wt delicate presentations especially for bass and bluegills will not be all that common. So I think it will be a good choice for what you are looking for in a line. It as the same AST coating as the other Mastery Series Line and for the price, you can't go wrong.

    " If a man is truly blessed, he returns home from fishing to the best catch of his life." Christopher Armour

  4. #4


    SA's GPX is my line of choice. My fishing sounds alot like yours,RC3. GPX is reputed to be a half line size heavier than on the package making it easier to toss the heavier flies. I have good luck fishing bass bugs and heavier flies and when I occassionally go trout fishing it's delicate enough to get the job done with dry flies. Generally speaking though, I think Lee's got it right. That is, you should be able to do what you want to do with any general purpose line from any reputable company so long as your technique is adequate and that's the route I would go rather than a special purpose line unless, of course you want to invest the money in several different flylines. Most good fly shops have lines you can try before you buy.

  5. #5


    RC3, I have the headstart and the Bass line from SA. I don't like the Headstart, (even though it does cast very well) cause I don't like the BRIGHT color. Still, could just be me, I think the SA Bass line cast's alot better and smoother, I like it alot. My .02

    "Because by the Grace of God I can, be on a beautiful mountain stream with a friend , have the water boil from a 12" Native Brookie taking a self tyed dry,and feel it on the end of my cane... It don't get no better than that..."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2000


    The Headstart line will be fine for trout. This line was designed with novice casters in mind, and I believe the majority of new flycasters start with trout. I doubt S.A. would produce such a line that would prove poor for trout fishing.

    As Lee noted, casting ability has a lot more influence in presentation than line taper.

    With proper rollcasting form, the line will rollcast fine too.

  7. #7


    I have a Headstart 4wt on a custom 9' 3wt. 4wt is the lightest they make. I got it strictly for bass and gills and it's worked out really well. I wouldn't hestitate to use it for trout if distance was called for.
    And since I got it for under $30, I really like it.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Idabel, Oklahoma, USA (580)-245-1576


    Ditto to what Grubb said. I have both in an 8wt and the bass bug will cast farther with heavier flies than the headstart.

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