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Thread: Big Bass - Your Choice

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    SE Iowa
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    Default Big Bass - Your Choice

    Okay.. we're soon going to be at that dreaded stage where the water is too thin to walk on and too thick to throw a fly through. So, let me pick your collective brains with this scenario.

    You are limited to 2 flies, one top water and one wet to take the Biggest bass in your given system.

    I have about 4 patterns that consistently take quality fish for me but limiting it to two; they are:

    (my variations of - I add this because the poor guys who invented these flies would cry if they saw how I've "butchered" their great creations )

    The Stealth Bomber


    The Bunny Leech

    Probably 80% of my bass flies are tied on a 1/0 Stinger style hook or a Gamakatsu SC15. The leeches have epoxy heads with either chain bead or dumbell eyes.

    So, what are your choices for big bass?
    "Flyfishing is not a religion. You can make up your own rules as you go.".. Jim Hatch.. 2/27/'06

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Lakeland, FL USA


    SInce I consistently catch the larger bass subsurface, I rarely use top water when I'm after big fish. My top producing sub suface fly is an all black minnow pattern tied with Icelandic sheep hair on a size 1 or 2 streamer hook. The fly is usually around 7-8 inches long. If I do fish top water, I use an all black version of the gurgler with a longish tail.

    Jim Smith

  3. #3


    HideHunter....If anybody has a chance to beat our State Record LMB with a fly-caught fish, its gonna be you! You really catch some jumbo bass!!

    I can't wait to see the pictures of what you catch this year!
    David Merical
    St. Louis, MO

  4. #4


    For me it's subsurface unweighted leech patterns in black...#4 streamer hook tied with either maribou and the longest black hen i can find or just black hen, 4 big feathers out back and 2 more palmered to two eye widths so i can tye off and add a red or orange thread head.

    If i went topwater i'd use something like a #4 stimulator only tied at the hackle area with spun and clipped deer hair so it would sit low and not push too much water or pop. My local lake is pretty clear water and the big buckets are fairly shy after 7am or so but can really get going towards dark and will insanely attack anything that hits the water. That mouse is pretty cool !



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Coon Rapids, MN.


    This is some of "funnest" fishing. Love it! HideHunter you have some nice flies shown.

    For me it's a cinch because I rarely go down for my LM bass (as opposed to smallies) but Montana M. I'm going to have to try a few of those unweighted streamers you posted. They sound nice. Do you tie 'em weedless and toss 'em back in the weeds or work just outside the weedlines?

    Me, I'm typically going with a med size Dahlberg Diver tied weedless. Tossed back in the reeds.....it'll make your day when they explode topside on them!

    Doing this I also use a braided supple wire leader because I've been well known to take pike or three and depending on the lake an occasional muskie too!

    This is fun stuff!


  6. #6


    Hello Jeremy, well it is the 'funnest' fishing isn't it ! Ok, the streamers i described are just plain. There isn't even a body...just feathers since i want them to sink ever so slowly. I don't tye weedless but they could be with mono i suppose...which come to think about it would help them suspend longer...so good idea...i might have to try that. I do the latter, i.e. 'work just outside the weedlines' but you may remember i'm working from shore so i have to be careful with that. My whole thing with this is that i'm sight fishing mostly. I'll cast down the bank ahead of me as i move along the shore or out past the weed drop then just watch the leech sink slowly.

    Sometimes the takes are fast, sometimes they're lazy but the best part is that i get to see the take and then sometimes i let the bass turn and head back from whence it came then i simply lift, then game on. So far i've not landed the largest i've hooked...something always happens but it sure is fun. I used to love the topwater to be honest but this lake doesn't seem to work that way most times i'm there so i gave it up mostly.

    Since i go for smallies a lot too, i better mention that i tye on a #6 streamer for them but i switch to white hen...the smallies here must be taking that for shad fry i'm guessing, either that or a flesh fly because of the salmon. For the smallies the #6 seems to be the size of choice and i tye those so they come out about three inches long.

    Hope i'm not hijacin' HideHunter, my apologies if i am.



  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Coastal North Carolina


    I would second the Stealth Bomber for topwater, especially tricked out with rubber legs and a bunny strip tail. LM seem to love them.

    For sub-surface, I usually use some type of feather streamer or a wooly bugger. Seems like about anything that swims will take a bugger.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Oskaloosa, Iowa, USA


    To limit it down to two flies is too hard for me, but I will share some of my favorites. During daytime hours I have been most successful catching bigger fish on following patterns. First is a version of the Bullfrog slider(last weeks fotw) and second a Kelly Galloup streamer, either a zoo couger or a sex dungeon depending on water clarity. I have found that anytime I am fishing less than 5 feet of water the Bullfrog slider gets the big ones attention better than any other topwater that I have tried. I will say that I have had a lot of success fishing stealth bombers as well, but in the lakes and ponds that I fish I can't seem to keep the 13-15 inch bass off of them long enough to catch the big boys(which isn't all that bad of a problem).
    With all of that said, I consistently catch my biggest bass at night. I have found that many flies work well at night(gurglers, poppers, stealth bombers) but if I want to focus on catching big bass then I will throw a fly that I call the bass toad. It has such a wide footprint on the water that I feel the convinces the big fish that it is worth their time to eat whether they are hungry or not. What ever their reasons are for eating it, I really don't care as long as they continue to eat it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by FishnDave View Post
    HideHunter....If anybody has a chance to beat our State Record LMB with a fly-caught fish, its gonna be you! You really catch some jumbo bass!!

    I can't wait to see the pictures of what you catch this year!
    Thank you very much Dave.. but let me say, though I "target" big bass. I consider myself astronomically lucky for the quality of fish I have been able to take. As you well know, Iowa is *not* big bass country.

    Uh oh Freak.. sex dungeon ?... bass toad ?.. Hope Google is my friend. Do you have a link you'd share? Pictures maybe? I really want to try and work up that frog, but I need to put the tools together.

    Last edited by HideHunter; 03-09-2010 at 04:22 PM.
    "Flyfishing is not a religion. You can make up your own rules as you go.".. Jim Hatch.. 2/27/'06

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Oskaloosa, Iowa, USA


    Kelly Galloups sex dungeon should be pretty easy to find. Here is a link for Charlie Cravens version http://www.charliesflyboxinc.com/fly...m?parentID=151
    The bass toad is a variation of the Location X foam tarpon toad that I have modified to give what I consider a great large frog silhouette at night. Even though it has a very wide profile it is easy to cast (which is pretty important at night). I will try and take a picture of one tonight.

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