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Thread: Tiger Woods

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    West Tennessee

    Default Tiger Woods

    I'll present the facts as I know them.

    -Involved in a one-car accident in a Cadillac Escalade outside his home.
    -911 was called
    -Local Police showed up on the scene
    -Was taken to a local hospital
    -He has refused to talk to the Police

    -His PR said it was a "minor accident".
    -He himself said he was too injured to play in this weekend's tournament(HIS tournament.

    Now I will ask a few questions:
    -Who calls 911 for a 'minor accident'?
    -If it was an Escalade is there conversation with OnStar? Is that confidential?
    Is it still confidential if OnStar then called a public institution for help?
    -Is this incident 'personal' if public assistance was asked to intervene(Police and 911)?
    -Why hasn't the media asked one question about OnStar?
    -If the local Police was involved was a sobriety test done?
    -Was blood-alcohol tested?
    -Was blood tested for drugs?
    -How can this be a minor accident if he is too injured to play?

    You make up your mind.
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Williamsburg Ohio


    It was in a PRIVATE, GATED community where a lot of the "laws" of public areas and streets dont apply.

    The MOST they can get him with was a ticket for ( I forget how it was phrased) but it carrys a fine of $250 max.

  3. #3
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    Yes, let us rampantly speculate on what happened. After all, he is a celebrity, and should have no privacy, nor should he be allowed to "get away with" anything. The minor details of his life are so important to me that I stayed up all night googling just to see if I could learn anything else. Facts abound! E news is, after all, a pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporting show! It's all absolutely true!! We should be able to convict people based on rumor and innuendo, this being the United States and all.

    PS. This is sarcasm for those who haven't already figured it out. The guy had a car accident. So what?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Lake Erie, NY


    The tree that Tiger hit was on his neighbors property. That neighbor is the one who called 911. That taped coversation has been on the news for a couple days now.

    I agree with you, there are more questions than answers. I doubt that anyone but Tiger and his wife will ever know the whole truth.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    neither here nor there


    I'm sorry ... but ... who cares?
    Trouts don't live in ugly places.

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  6. #6
    Normand Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by DG View Post
    The guy had a car accident. So what?

    and who cares!

    people are into other peoples business way too much in this country.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Normand View Post

    and who cares!

    people are into other peoples business way too much in this country.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Betty Hiner View Post
    I'm sorry ... but ... who cares?
    I agree, he plays golf, doesnt mean he is a great driver.
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  9. #9
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    You wouldn't care if your neighbor had an accident in your gated community? You wouldn't fear for the safety of yourself and your children?

    911 was called and PUBLIC assistance was rendered. THAT makes it PUBLIC.

    I could care less about his relationship with his wife that may or may not have been a contributing cause. That is between them.

    I do care if he was 'under the influence'. That affects us all.

    One more question:
    If this was a 'minor accident' why did they have to bash his rear window in to get him out?

    OK. One more:
    Why didn't OnStar unlock his doors?
    Good fishing technique trumps all.....wish I had it.

  10. #10


    The 'worst case' scenario: (what everyone is skirting around trying not to 'say')

    Tiger had an affair.

    Told his wife, Elin, about it.

    They had words. She picked up a golf club and had at him with it.

    He ran out to his Escalade and gunned it down the driveway, lost control and hit a fire hydrant and then his neighbor's tree.

    And, horror of horrors, he may have had a drink or ten BEFORE doing this.

    THIS is what all the 'speculation' is about...this is what all the tabloids and the internet gossip sites really want to 'discover'.

    but I still maintain:

    So what.

    Only 'injury' was to Tiger, and I'll bet his embarassment outshines any physical injury.

    The property damage done was to PRIVATE property...he can certainly afford to pay for that, and I'm sure he will.

    The neighbor called 911. What would you do if a car hit a tree in your yard in the middle of the night? Completely understandable.

    Tiger isn't talking to the cops. He has a RIGHT not to do so. Excercising those rights in this country can not be a legal reason to suspect or even to 'dig deeper' as one court case put it. He did provide ALL the information he was required to by law.

    The government can't automatically 'test' for drugs/alcohol just because someone was in an accident. In some states, and I don't about Florida, the laws are a bit different when the incident occurs on private property. Florida tends to be pretty 'personal freedom' conscious in their laws, though.

    Medical records are protected. They belong to the patient, not the doctor and certainly not the state.

    If the authorities in Florida have probable cause, they can get a warrant and acquire the medical records. They can also, with probable cause, get a search warrant for the Woods' home to try to find any evidence of whatever it is they feel they need to investigate.

    Reality says:

    If Tiger really did have an 'affair', it's between him and his wife. Just because we are curious doesn't mean there is any right for us to 'know'. People have affairs all the time. It's none of our business.

    If he and his wife had words about it, does that surprise anyone? Couples have disagreements about lots of things. It's none of our business.

    Did she actually hit him, maybe even with a golf club? That is a 'crime', certainly. The reality is, though, even if she did, unless Tiger wants to press charges against her, such cases don't get prosecuted. Apparently, it either didn't happen, or Tiger isn't pressing charges, so it's none of our business.

    Did Tiger 'drink and drive'. Apparently there was nothing at the scene that made the responding emergency personel suspect it. Usually such things are dealt with at the time, not the next day. All the initial reports from the authorities stated that they were investigating this as a 'traffic accident'.

    Since there is no reason to suspect that the officers on the scene neglected thier duty, it would appear that this was just that, a single vehicle traffic accident with some minor injuries. 'Why' it happened is none of our business.

    Tiger 'cancelled' his appearence at 'his' charity tournament this weekend. He cites his 'injuries'. Even 'minor injuries' can keep you from traveling comfortably, and certainly can effect an athletes performance. Figure in tha this is a charity event and that the 'focus' of the event would turn to Tigers accident rather than the charity, and it's perfectly understandable that he would cancel.

    Will this 'go away'? Eventually.

    In the meantime, who really cares?

    It Just Doesn't Matter....

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