Quote Originally Posted by joerogrz View Post
I'm not understanding how a swan can be dangerous? I can understand the scratching and biting being pretty annoying, but I don't see how they would be life threatening unless you were around them in a dangerous area or they were carrying weapons... I've been attacked by Canada Geese before and usually a swift kick would stop them, but not kill them.

Shane I do agree that you did the right thing, but if one of these rogue swans pulls a knife on ya, you better run....

Swans have been known to break men's arms with the beating wings. They can blind you with their bill. Swans a VERY tough birds. Irate parent swan vs coyote? My money is on the swan. And if you think that being bitten by a goose (smaller bird) can't bruise, where do you think the term "goosed" comes from?
