zonker strip cutter


I would have to fab up some kind of guard or I would be dying that rabbit skin red. :stuck_out_tongue:


I made one similar to that using business card sized rubberized magnets. This way, only the corners of the blades I’m using to cut are exposed and all the other sharp edges are safety away from my fingers. As you can tell, I share Clay’s concern about working with exposed razor blades like that; it’s just not safe.

I also find that clamping the cutting device to to the side of the drawer in my tying desk works better for me. With the cutter clamped in place, I then hold the rabbit pelt taunt and draw it across the blades. This keeps my fingers away from the blades and allows me to make more of the pelt into Zonker Strips. It usually takes me 2-3 minutes to make a pelt into Zonker strips which is about a years supply for me. Either way, it’s simple tool to make and it sure beats paying the price for precut Zonker strips, especially if you use a lot in one particular color.

Jim Smith

thanks fer putting up this post… wish i hadda seen that a year or two ago… if ya get furs sometimes like i do from hunters, thats an easier way to make the strips than with scisors…

Some time back this was a subject of discussion on the BB. One member recommended you take the pelt and put in a embroidery hoop. This keeps it up enough that you don’t cut the fur which happens if the pelt is flat against the surface. I tried it and it works.


I clamp the skin in my shop vise…

Important to keep the skin secure , taut, and suspended…

Hey Duck

I like the cutter made with the fender washers. Great Idea. I’ll have to make one of those.
