Youth Fly Fishing World Championships

In addition to the Youth Team USA entry in the upcoming World Championships to be held in PA this August, there will be a Team USA/PA entered as well.
This is a tremendous opportunity for a few young people to make new friends from around the world that have a common interest in this sport, and learn the latest fly fishing techniques from around the world. It is sure to be a great learning experience, with the team to be coached by a current member of the adult Team USA.
Any youth fly fishermen age 13 - 18 that may be interested in trying out for this team may contact the Co-Chairman for the upcoming Championships directly for more information:

John Ford

Actually “any” youth between the ages of 14 and 19 can be elegible for the team. You must be 18 or under as of January 1st 2007. If you turn 19 after Jan 1 2007 you are still capable of being involved in the team.

John Wilson
Team USA

Thanks John - fixed my previous post. Team USA is indeed most fortunate to have you as their coach! This event is sure to be an experience of a lifetime for all involved. GO TEAM USA!!!

Mr Ford:

I am truely excited by the opportunity that State College PA is offering for young adults here in the USA. It is a chance of a lifetime for young people who are interested in fly fishing.

Most young people would not consider themselves to be qualified to be in a competition but in fact we have some of the best young anglers in the world. In 1998 I took a team to Wales for the world competition. That year we fished for wild European grayling and lake rainbows. NONE of the young people on the team had “any” eperience in that sort of fishing. With training and education we wound up winning a team Silver medal and an individual Gold medal that year.

Last years team placed very well in the competition in Portugal. We are desperately looking for young people to train for the team and the future. I (as well as others) provide the training at no cost at all.

We are currently trying to put together a training session in the last week of June. Once those dates are set the “public” will be invited to the training sessions (adults included). Again it is a chance for fly fishers from around the country to be introduced to each other and share techniques and knowledge.

It should be noted that there is no prize money, involved in these competitions. What they have to gain is simply the experience, the knowledge, and the friendships they will make with those from other countries.

John Wilson
Team USA

Hi John - Just an FYI - I’m not John Ford. He asked me to search out any prospective recruits for the PA Team, and I figured this was the best way to do it. I only know of one youth fly fisherman that might be willing to try out for the team, and I’m still trying to convince him that he is capable of doing so. Hopefully, there are more people out there that, with a little encouragement, give this a shot. Besides the good fellowship and friendships gained, I believe these young people will gain the equivalant of many years of fly fishing experience in a very short time. Certainly, this is an opportunity of a lifetime!
BTW - we’ve chatted on IM several times on another board about this event. I’m looking forward to shaking your hand and thanking you for all you’ve done for these kids. Everyone should be aware of the fact that you are doing this job at your own expense, with the compensation of seeing the smiles on the faces of these fine young people. See you in June (hopefully) and most certainly in August…Ed

Sorry Ed I thought it was John Ford. I am looking forward to meeting everyone in PA this year. I hope that TU will take the chance to get involved. I grew up being conservation minded. This is a real opportunity to involve young people in conservation and show case some of the conservation efforts in the area.

Not all countries in the world are as interested in preserving trout habitat as is the United States. I am really hoping that TU will be able to share with the rest of the world the progress this country has made and will share what we’ve learned. That goes for us as well. I’ve learned more from being involved with these youth events than I could have ever been exposed to in a lifetime of fly fishing. It is a “real” opportunity for the area and everyone involved.

Thanks for all your help Ed.